Carter hates sight words for obvious reasons. Since he has a speech delay words aren't really his friend. I thought he was going to flap his hand off or punch me in the face when I asked him if he could pronounce "the" when I pointed to his paper with a pencil. It's amazing when reviewing sight words he flaps his hands and get SUPER aggravated but ask him to count and he whizzes through it easy-peasy. He recognized and then said the word "like" and I nearly cried. Brains are interesting things.
Friday, Amelia's classmate had lice. That stuff terrifies me; I haven't and don't want to deal with lice.
After work today I got a call from the early childhood special education department. I knew it would be coming now that Amelia was in the school district. Amelia has "speech concerns" and they want to do more testing. They will do further testing on her speech but also any other delays. I was glad to get the call but now I'm having visions of Carter cropping in my head and hoping it will be different for her.
I guess we'll see what the next 90 days will bring as they have 30 days to contact me to set up testing and 60 days to complete testing.
I'm glad she'll be getting the help she needs and I'll try to ignore this ball of terror in my gut that there might be more issues.