My Dad has been cracking me up over the potential relocation. Rest assured he has given me a minimum of five lectures on the topic and I'm sure they'll be many more in my future.Without him I would have never known that I need a job, benefits and MONEY to move...who'd a thunk it. Here I am hoping to live in a van down by the river, eating berries and small animals to survive.
In case anyone out there is wondering why we want to move (a few have asked), let's count the ways shall we (in no particular order):
- Houses in DE are too expensive
- We need a four bedroom house
- The school district we live in sucks
- Private school is crazy expensive
- Tom and I both love Missouri
- I need wide open spaces
- No offense to my fellow Delawarean but quite a lot of you act very ghetto. Sorry/Not Sorry, learn manners
- We've both worked at our current jobs for ten years...this is crazy talk and we need change
- We are only 30 and 28 life is to be enjoyed in a place you will enjoy it best
- I'd like to try living closer to the rest of my family for a change
So there you have it. It's starting; let's see what the next year and a half brings...good Lord willing of course.

I'm so excited for you! And I know exactly what you're going through but we did it in 3 months. That.Was. Nuts. Pinterest party, my house!