Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Here I go...

On Monday I registered for my classes for college, yay! I will be going to school at night Monday-Thursday. Last night I started to think is this going to be too much? Then I realized in High School I worked at nights/weekends and went to school. If I did it then I can do it now!

Today I am starting NutriSystem. I started the day off with sawdust in a cup eggs and for lunch I am going to eat minestrone soup. The eggs weren't so bad this morning so I guess I'll be okay! I am really optimistic about this because it seems kind of fail proof, I mean gosh the food is already there for me all I have to do is eat it. I was surprised how much Italian food they have, almost every one of my dinner items is some sort of Italian Pasta or the like. I'll keep you all updated on my progress. (The husband has been doing this since Sunday and had lost like five pounds already) Keep me in your prayers!