Saturday, November 25, 2006

Christmas Is In The Air!

Today and yesterday I went shopping, super fun! I worked Friday but afterwards I went to my mom and dad's house to get my Christmas decorations. After that mom and I came back to my house and unloaded FOUR boxes of Christmas decorations! Then we headed down to the Dover Mall and I bought mom her Christmas present as well as my niece and soon to be second niece (Dec 4th?) their presents.

Today L and I went out to lunch and shopping. We went to National Decorative Distributors and picked up floral supplies. I needed to make a wreath for my friend for Christmas and she needed to pick up supplies for two projects of her own. While there I also bought E a present for Christmas! I am feeling extremely accomplished! We headed on over to the Christiana Mall, never again, it was RIDICULOUSLY crowded! I will not return there until January 2007.

I have the tree trimmed and all the indoor decorations that I am going to put up, up. Tomorrow I will tackle the outdoor decorations and I shall be done!

 Good Luck to all you fellow shoppers and decorators!