Monday, February 26, 2007

What A Busy Weekend!

Friday, I skipped work took a personal day and went to Lancaster with best friend, her mom, her mom-mom, her aunt and her great aunt. Super fun! All of us drove up in her mom's minivan and on the way the question was asked, Is anyone buying furniture? Everyone answered No! Well, we ended up coming back with a five foot by three foot mirror, a small wooden bench, a small telephone table, a ginormous wreath and a ton of shopping bags! Yes, we were jam packed! It was so funny though that all you could do is laugh! Everyone had bags at there feet, to there side, in there laps! The wreath was propped against her aunt's shoulder and the humongous mirror. We had one brush with death when a crazy man tried to kill us on a one lane road. But, I must say a good time was had by all!


Saturday was really fun too, I went with by best friend Emily to lunch and then we went and had our nails done. When I got home from that the husband and I took my mom and dad to Hibachi for dinner. It was a lot of fun and then afterwards we went back to there house and talked at the dinner table until my brother brought my nieces and then we left shortly after.  (By then we had been there a few hours and were ready to head home)


Sunday was Makayla and Jordan's christening. There mother has decided to baptize them Catholic and since Tom is the only one that had completed all of his sacraments he was Godfather to both girls. I was Godmother to Makayla and Nicole (My sister-in-law's sister) was Godmother to Jordan. It was a very nice ceremony and went off with out a hitch! The girls looked so pretty in there dresses! Since Makayla is three she was a little talkative so I said, you have to be quite and listen. She said, I am whispering like you told me. I said, no talking, don't say anything! She listened to that fairly well! At the beginning she wanted her Mammie (my mom) but when I explained that she had to sit with me she was okay.  During part of the ceremony you answer things that the priests says so he list a bunch of questions and after each one the Godparents had to say "I do." Makayla informed me to stop saying I do. She is hilarious! I guess she figured if I told her to stop talking she was going to make sure I followed my own rule!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend! much more eventful than mine!

    Being a godmother is fun!
