Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Dreamy Eric Church

Oh my gosh! L and I went to a concert on Thursday at the Bottle and Cork in Dewey Beach, DE. It was freakin' awesome! We both loooovvveee Eric Church and we were right. directly. in front. of. the. stage!!! Are bellies were literally pressing the stage, he was standing directly in front of me all night, it was the best! For the most part we were singing, dancing, clapping, screaming: all night. I am still so excited just thinking about it! At one point some girl behind me tried to crush me to death hoping she would be able to touch someone's leg on stage, that lasted two seconds before I did a backwards body slam which should have landed her on her ass. It only took one time of that and no one did it again! I am all for watching the concert but being drunk does not give you the right to be an obnoxious asshole!

At the end of the concert we hung around and got a pic with Eric and his autograph! I was for some unknown reason star-struck and stood there like an idiot instead of giving him a hug. This was me:

Me: Hi

Eric: Hello

(Takes my picture from my hands to sign it)

Eric: What is your name?

Me: Hhheaatther

My voice might as well have been trembling! I couldn't believe the way I behaved! L on the other hand had, no problem! She ran up and gave him a hug like they were long lost cousins.







To see more pics from the concert go here.


  1. aaahhhhh!!!!!!!!! I still can't believe we were THAT close!!! I heart him!

  2. He does have a few songs I really like. Lucky you!!!

  3. I enjoy reading your posts. As a result I have chosen you to be tagged. Enjoy!

  4. hey glad to see you enjoyed eric this summer! i was just out looking around at stuff and came across yours! im a huge fan of erics and travel all the time to see him and promote him and the band. they are great great people!

    just wondering if you'd visited his site lately? he pops in alot to say hello and his fans are always around. come and join us if you havent. eric should be back here on the northeast coast sometime between dec/jan so i hope to see you out at another show!


  5. Hi - I was doing a google search on Eric and I found your site!

    I absolutely adore that man!!! I'm so glad you had fun at his concert!!! He totally rocks and is such a doll.

    LOL - I think the Rachel who posted to you is *my* Rachel from Eric's website. It's alot of fun - you should stop in and say hi. We are all huge huge fans of Eric's and the bands.

  6. Not only is this the Rachel, but MY Patti..hehe.. from , right!!?? The man and his music are awesome and really good to his fans. He ALWAYS makes time to chat, take pix and sign.
