Friday, June 22, 2007

Tag You're It!

I was tagged by MarkAlan, here goes folks:

You must reveal nine things about yourself and one must be a lie....ya'll know so much, I am not sure what to put down.

1. After reading one of my favorite authors I got a wild hair to want to move to Alaska.

2. I have a great uncle named Goober, he is one year younger than my father and is his uncle.

3. I love going to the beach. In the summer I just love to hang out in the sand and salt water for hours and hours.

4. My first car was a Dodge Neon.

5. Tom and I lived with my parents for one and a half years after we were married.

6. At times I have a hard time sleeping and as of recently have been waking up late every morning.

7. I love the rain especially when I get caught in it,  watching or listening to it! I just love it.

8. I plan on buying a country home when I am in my 30's.

9.  I am going to school in the fall for Agri-Business Management and Horticulture.

Okay, now it is your turn to figure out my lie, good luck!

I tag: Jane, Laura and Mel.


  1. I am going to guess the Dodge Neon as your first car

  2. Unfortunately for me, you are wrong.

  3. I'm going to guess the Alaska thing?

  4. Wrong again, Tom and I really do want to move there!

  5. How did I miss this post? I'm going to guess the country home one.

    What's the real answer?!?!? :-)

  6. The answer is number three, I hate the beach!

  7. [...] Jun 27th, 2007 by lifelemons Here is the answer to my lying post. [...]
