Monday, January 28, 2008

New Name, Same Great Taste!


I changed the name today from "When Life Hand You Lemons..." to "Life After Lemons..." I should have done it a year ago when I changed my attitude from depressed and miserable, to happy and content. Sometimes I'm a little slow with these things.  ;-)

I originally named my blog "When Life Hands You Lemons" because that is how my life was is, just one big lemon after the other. That feeling of never catching a break and you almost wonder, "God, are you there?" But now I realize I partially created my own sadness in a way, you can be overcome with the bad things that happen in life or you can overcome then. So I changed my attitude and here I am. To be quite honest, life just feels better this way.

I have always been more of a pessimist in most respects so I changed my view to be more optimistic and life really is better this way. It's strange, I know but life is good. So here it is, my blog, "Life After Lemons...". Let's hope it stays this way!


  1. good for you! keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side.....

  2. Very optimistic and sunny - I liked the new title as soon as I saw it in my blog reader today!
