Today my friend came over with her little munchkin to visit with my little munchkin. They were pretty cute together. Except that Hannah is a bully and pulled Cheyanne's socks, pulled her arm, pulled her ear and finished it off with a head bunt. Oh wait I forgot she also crawled over to her and screamed as loud as possible right in her face! Clearly I have raised a devil child...I have a feeling she is not going to do so well when it come time to "share."
Other than that we had a good time! Cheyanne is a month younger than Hannah but is a little bit larger than Hannah. She also has three and a half teeth. I was amazed by the teeth thing because Hannah is still rockin' a gummy toothless smile.
All in all it was a good day, I got to catch up with an old friend and see a different little muffin.
Highlights from the day:
too cute!!!!