Hannah's worst day from the cold was on Tuesday so she missed one day of school. Thursday she made it back and handed off take home teddy to a different kid in her class. She brought in her jewelry box for show and tell. And made these lovely crafts:
Amelia rocked out her bumpo this week, she thoroughly enjoyed it, can't you tell?:
Carter was sick but you would have never known it, he still had as much um, energy? As ever...
I drug myself to the hair salon Friday despite feeling like death. I finally had my bangs colored, I debated it all of last year but finally bit the bullet and did it. Hannah went with me and she had her hair cut into layers which was super cute!
Here is Hannie's hair, she asked me to curl it so she could be just like her cousin who has her hair curled for cheer competitions:
It snowed Saturday and my kids were extremely excited to go out in it.
Love the photos, Hannie's curls are adorable, Take Meelie out of the bumpo- she is growing way too fast and must stay a baby for a long time yet. Mr Buddy always a cutie.