Friday, March 23, 2012

Running Dreams

I want to run.

I've been quiet about that goal up until now. I think I told my husband, trainer and best friend(s). In that order. I've been trying to set a lot of goals for myself lately and that is more of a long term goal.

Part of me is ready to get out there and slowly start to get into a running groove. Another side of me is saying you are going to kill your body running at your current weight. I talked to my trainer today and he advised that I should be 10 pounds from my goal weight before I start running because I will annihilate my knees. Kind of what I thought.
So, I'll hold on to my desire to run and hopefully this time next year you'll see me RUNNING!

I've never been so excited about a goal that it going to be so challenging.


  1. You can do it, I know you can.

  2. "No matter how slow you're going, you're still lapping everyone sitting on the couch." The discipline of working out (walking, going to the gym - whatever) is exactly what you need to "be a runner"... you'll get there! Excited with you for your challenging goal!

  3. i'm proud of you and TOTALLY think you should do it! and I couldn't disagree more with to-ze. i was FAR from 10 pounds from my goal weight when i started running - and i have arthritis in my knees the worst. maybe running RIGHT NOW isn't ideal...but i certainly don't think you need to wait as long as he says.....

  4. We will go to the park this coming week and see how I do :) He advised I wait, if my body fails me then I'll wait but I'll atleast try! I've never had an issue with my knees so maybe I'll be okay to do short bursts of a slow jog mixed with walking!?!?!
