As usual, I'm late to the party with this whole Chick-fil-A hates the gays that I've seen cropping up on Facebook. After I saw the above image and hearing my husband declare he will never eat there again. I decided to check the news to see what in the heck is going on.
I read a few articles today and maybe it's just me but I didn't read once that they declared to hate gay people or that they were afraid to be around gay people.
The latest skirmish in the nation's culture wars began when Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press that the company was "guilty as charged" for backing "the biblical definition of a family." In a later radio interview, he ratcheted up the rhetoric: "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, `We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage."'I agree with what he said so am I now a hateful homophobe?
I think it rather funny that everyone is up in arms about this. Really, did we all not know Chick-fil-A is a Christian company? They close on Sundays for Pete's sake; spend a quarter, by a clue.
I for one applaud Chick-fil-A for sticking to what they believe regardless if it hurts their profits.I will continue to eat there and I will even force a chicken sandwich and waffle fry on my husband from time to time.