Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Religion (I need to vent!)

It absolutely infuriates me to hear people talking about religion and they know nothing about it!!! (or) what they know is wrong can not be backed up by anything stated in the Bible! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

I am not saying that I am the authority on Christianity but I do know a tad bit more than an non-Christian ( and some alleged Christians). I went to a Christian school from Pre-K until 5th grade. I used to go to church and youth group all the time, but now I just go to church randomly. So there, by no means am I perfect. But I understand what the Bible says. I know when I am sinning and when I am saying something that is not in the Bible. Oh wait, that's right,  I don't do that because if I am not sure if it is in the Bible, then I won't claim it to be "Christian."

Is this becoming a blanket term? Is everyone claiming to be Christian but not living as they should? I am very confused.

Okay I have got that out of my system! Thanks for listening!


  1. That drives me nuts too. I can't stand talking to someone about the bible without being able to tell them where it is that I'm referring to. But I find people do that to validate themselves.

  2. Thank you TOL! That is exactly what it is! People are taking the Bible and picking and choosing what they want to abide by! It is so frustrating.

  3. As I have offended some people I have deleted a portion of this original post. I have also deleted the comments that pertained to that information.
