Friday, May 11, 2007

Fried Eggs

Someone found my blog with this:

"Addiction to fried eggs,is it healthy for you"

 I almost died laughing! I myself am addicted to fried egg sandwiches and I try to eat eggs everyday. I have decided that they are a protein and it is good for you. I have been eating fried eggs and still losing weight. So anonymous searcher, rock on with your fried eggs!


  1. how funny! I love things like that that make me chuckle!

  2. I love those random searches. Too funny! And YAY for you for still losing weight!!

  3. southernfriedfattyMay 11, 2007 at 9:31 AM

    LOL! When I read the search terms on my blog, I get a little worried about people. My favorite so far is "is cheese good for your bowels" I hope I helped them find their answer

  4. You are the first result for "is a fried egg good for you?" on google too :) and its good to know eating them won't make me obscenely fatter! which is a weight off my mind!
