Monday, October 1, 2007

Mundane Monday

You Are An ISTJ

The Duty FulfillerYou are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings.Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy.In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.

For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.

You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical

What's Your Personality Type?

Your Worry Factor is 6%

You hardly ever worry. In fact, you often feel like you don't have a care in the world.
It's not that your life is magically easy. You just don't dwell on worse case scenarios.
You figure that you'll be able to handle whatever life throws at you.
No use worrying about what could go wrong, especially when so much is going right!

Do You Worry Too Much?

You Are a Believer

You definitely believe in God - and you're very unwavering in your religious beliefs.
In fact, religion and spirituality are definitely big parts of your life.
Religion shapes how you view right and wrong, as well as the decisions you make.
It's hard for you to imagine how your life would be without your beliefs.

Are You an Atheist, Agnostic or a Believer?

You Are 12% Bipolar

You're so stable, people wonder if you're really human.
You totally have your emotions under control - and know how to deal with life's ups and downs.

Are You Bipolar?

Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant Garde

You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog.
You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head.
Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent.
You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content.

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