Sunday, October 28, 2007

This Is Why I Love Him...

Today there was a parade on Main Street in the town of Newark. My eldest niece was in it, but I wanted to stay home and not freeze my ass off so I stayed home. I called my mother later in the day to see how everything went. The proud grandmother that she is went on about my niece and how cute she was in the parade, I can't wait to see the pictures!

Then she tells me about my dad...

There was, for some reason that I have yet to grasp, a political demonstration of sorts in the parade. Mom said there was three people dressed up, one was Bush, one was Cheney and one was Condoleezza. They were chained together in prison shackles and had war crime and other things written on there back. Apparently they were booing and my dad yells: "And boo to you too!" and the boo-er yells back "What did you say" and my dad yells back "I hope you trip!" Now I would have paid to seen this, I probably would have pissed my pants laughing. Why they had this demonstration of sorts in a family parade, I will never know. But don't be surprised to find that a republican will take offense and say something to you. Hell, I was offended. But when my mom proceeded to say that the democrats were handing out candy and dad refused to take it, I lost it! His exact words were I won't eat this "damn democratic candy." I was literally laughing for a good five minutes. I am so much like my dad it is scary.

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