Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Hate This...

Diabetes that is, I am starting to feel like a food prisoner! I went to the diabetes doctor on Friday and they increased my bedtime insulin, they also said I had ketones in my urine. Ketones are bad for the baby because instead of getting energy from food, the baby is using my fat for energy or something like that. They want me to eat a bedtime snack so that my sugars won't be as high in the morning. So meanwhile, I am trying to juggle eating enough, eating the right things and all the while keeping my blood sugars in control. This is impossible! The placenta wreaks havoc on your sugar control and I think I am officially in the stage where it is beyond my control. My sugars seem to constantly be high, no matter what I do. It is very frustrating. Especially because you are not supposed to eat/drink artificial sweeteners while pregnant and no caffeine while pregnant. So your food options are getting even more limited. I think they might put me on a lunchtime insulin when I fax my numbers in tomorrow or at-least that is my prediction.

In other pregnancy news, my ultrasound that was originally scheduled for October 16th is now re-scheduled to October 30th. I had to re-schedule because I switched doctors and everything got all screwy. So hopefully we will find out what the baby is and how he/she is doing.


  1. Ugh, it really sounds like you can't win! I'm sorry! :(

    But how exciting that you'll be able to find out the sex of the baby in a few weeks!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  2. "Diabetes that is, I am starting to feel like a food prisoner"

    That has got to be tough.
