Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hey There Mr. Police Man...

Saturday night Mom, Grandma, Tom, his Mom and his Aunt and I went to the local Babies R Us to finish my baby registry. We had a fun time oohing and ahhing over everything then we grabbed some dinner together before we headed home. Mom, Grandma and I were in a separate car from Tom, his Mother and his Aunt. So we stop at Dairy Queen so I can grab a hot fudge sundae. We are driving back to Mom's house from the DQ and when we get in the neighborhood cars are stopped in the street and there is a cop blocking the way. Of course I start going off about the cop blocking the road and my ice cream is melting (priorities people). So I told Mom to pull around to see if we could squeak by. Of course we can't as the cop truly is blocking the entire road. Now all I can think of is how my hot fudge is melting my ice cream and we are going to be sitting here forever! I jump out of the car all the while mumbling how this is like living in the projects, etc, etc.

I approach the cop car to see what the heck is going on. I asked him and he answers, "No one is going through until the tow truck moves." Yes thank you asshole as I could see a tow truck from the part of the road that I was on. Of course I gave a curt, "Mother Fucker!" In response to his answer and stormed back to the car. I hear the cop yelling behind me: "Did you just call me a Mother Fucker!" Yikes! I pretended like I didn't hear him and continued to the car.  I will assume his ass was glued to his seat since he didn't bother to a) Tell the people that there was a tow truck moving a car and that the road would be briefly closed and b) Come chase after me when I stated the situation (not the police officer) was a Mother Fucker.

I call Tom to see where he is and low and behold he is behind us waiting. I get in his car and we go back to our house. I ate my hot fudge sundae in his car. No one was arrested. Good times!

In retrospect I can see how crazy people yell at cops and rip there tickets up and throw them in the street. On Saturday I was that crazy person!

(As a side note: I don't like eating ice-cream in the car or in the dark, which is why I was so pissed.)


  1. I am glad his ass was glued to the seat as I did NOT relish the thought of seeing my pregnant child tasered and spending the rest of the night trying to find a bail bonds person. I'm not sure but I think he took my liscense plate number for future reference. Perhaps I should find a good local bonds person and add the name and number to my phone book, just in case.

  2. Assuming this was the Middletown PD, keeping the streets safe one tow at a time ...
