Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Morning Person

Are you one?

Do you greet the day with enthusiasm?

Are you "hateful" like me?

I loathe waking up in the morning. That alarm clock beeping just puts me in the foulest of moods. (Not to mention I hit the snooze about five times) I really want one of those alarm clocks that wake you up to sounds of the rainforest or the ocean. That would be a delightful change of pace!

The morning people kick into high gear when I get to work. At seven in the morning. Seven. In. The. Morning. What is there to be so chipper about that damn early? I guess if I had a gallon of coffee in the morning I would be all sunbeams and rainbows too. Maybe that is the key, drink a gallon of coffee. Interesting...

So if you ever see me in the morning, save the small talk for noon or later. I really won't be receptive prior to twelve.


  1. ESPECIALLY since you're preggers ;)

  2. I used to be a total morning person, but I turned into a night owl somewhere along the way!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  3. "Are you one?"

    Depends on your definition of one? Do multiple personalities exclude me?

  4. The reason I prefer second shift!
