Tuesday, Hannah had her first Christmas Program at school. It was so super cute! They sang three songs and had cookies in the gym afterwards.
After the program we came home and Hannah and I left for the grocery store. As I'm returning hom, literally entering the neighborhood, Tom calls and tells me that Carter needs to go to the hospital. I get home to see bloody paper towels everywhere and Carter is in hysterics. He fell right as he was about to go into the kitchen and hit his face near the hair-line on the wood trim that goes around the bottom of the wall. Of course he hits the corner where the two pieces of wood meet and he might as well have fallen into an axe as sharp as that corner was. Tom ends up taking him to get looked at and the doctor thinks he does need stitches.
The next day is Carter's birthday and we kicked it off by taking him to the plastic surgeon to get stitched up. This was the grossest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. I thought they would slap some stitches in there and call it a day. Um, not. They cut a chunk of flesh out of his head and then sewed it back together so that it would be a smooth cut. Since I was holding him down for this process I had the pleasure of watching the cutting and sewing. I'm surprised I didn't puke. Carter was screaming his head off the entire time and by the end my arms felt like jello from holding him down but at least it's over and he can start healing.
Thursday, Hannah went to school and made a cute paper wreath ornament for the tree. She used her fingertips to make the holly that go around the edge. She also brought home a present for Tom and I. Carter woke up with a random fever and had no symptoms of illness. We let him lay around the house and he would randomly fall asleep, thankfully the fever went away by the next day.
Today, I attempted to get the house ready for family to come over tomorrow and celebrate Carter's birthday. I think I cleaned up new messes and didn't really accomplish much of anything. Hannah had dance and her teachers had a little holiday party, she got to play games and have cookies and candy.
Well it's back to cleaning for me before Amelia wakes up.