Monday, March 19, 2007

Back On The Saddle...

Well it involves stirrups so I am not completely off base.

I finally got my period on Friday after three months of no period. It is a relief to me because if I am not pregnant then I want my period to be regular so that I know my body is "okay." Now I am going to see Dr. Russell (Reproductive Endocrinologist) again, which I am NOT looking forward to. The thought of all the crying and depression that goes along with infertility just doesn't appeal to me. I am not sure if I am ready to jump back in to all that. I am hoping that I have learned from the past and don't beat myself up so much like I did last time around.

I had been going to Dr. Russell since August of 2005 and stopped going May of 2006.  In between that time I took no breaks, I went religiously to see him.  Then in May I had enough, I was so depressed I had thoughts of suicide A LOT and I knew that I had to stop. I needed a break. 

From May 2006 to December 2006 I didn't go or even think of Dr. R. My periods came regular (not normal for me) and life was good. So I thought maybe I should go back to Dr. R since everything has been going so well. I went to him on December 11th with the intentions of doing IVF. I had never discussed this with him before so Tom and I met with Dr R. to discuss if this would be right for us. Ahem, No, he wanted me to have two more tests done to see why my periods are regular and I have not gotten pregnant. I got my period on December 13th and called to make an appointment to go back on December 27th. I would have had an ultrasound on the 27th to see how close I was to having a Postcoital test done. But Grandpa died and I was needed in Missouri so I cancelled my appointment with the intent of going once my next cycle started. The rest is history I suppose since I just got my period on Friday.

Friday I asked Tom, do you want me to go to Dr. R to have my two tests done? He replied with, We are trying to have a baby. So I called this morning and made my appointment for March 30th at 7:30am. This appointment will be an ultrasound of my ovaries to see how close I am to ovulating. Now I am wondering if my body is going to snap back to being normal or if I am going to be irregular again.

I was supposed to have a postcoital test done back in 2005 but I didn't want to do it. It is very invasive in my opinion. You have to have sex with your husband before you ovulate and then go to the Dr. so that they can swab your innards to see if your cervical mucus is  meshing with his sperm. I know lovely, right. I am really not feeling this test. The other test I have to have done is an endometrial biopsy to make sure that my lining of my uterus is healthy. This one is painful.

I am so happy to go have these two things done I can hardly contain myself.


  1. I'm glad that you're going back again. This IVF thing may be a new turn for you.

  2. Oh yes, I can just imagine how enthusiastic you must be about having that done. I'm so sorry you have to go through that... and I am hoping wonderful things for you!

    I have told you before, but I'll tell you again that I have irregular periods too, so I know what you mean about being happy to get it again, even though it means you're not pregnant, just to know that things are "normal."

  3. Not having a regular cycle is SO frustrating! Especially if you are trying to have a baby! I was surprised how common it seems to be. A lot of women I know don't have a regular cycle and are "infertile" it is really sad to even think about.

  4. Best wishes to you for your appointment! I hope that whatever tests you decide to have done go smoothly and with the least amount of pain possible. I, too, have irregular periods and fear trying to conceive when the time comes. Why is this becoming such a prevelant issue with women???

  5. I don't know, I haven't heard anything to why it has become such an issue. It is also more talked about now a days and is not viewed as negative as it used to be, say back in my grandparents time.

    I know that I was on Birth Control for a LONG time. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but who can say it didn't.

  6. the pen is mightierMarch 20, 2007 at 8:59 AM

    sorry to hear about your problems conceiving. i will def be praying for you as you are going through the IVF process. if it makes you feel any more hopeful, i have a friend who has similar problems and she just delivered a healthy baby girl last week conceived via IVF =) good luck!

  7. I am a former patient of Dr. R. It was 2 years of wasted time. I would recommend that you get a second opinion. Try Dr. Fienberg 302-623-4242. The experience is like night and day.

    I pray that wherever you go, that you will be blessed and have great success! Hopefully, I'll see you there!

    God Bless!

  8. Thank you for your recomendation.

    I have a friend that referred me to Dr.R (we both have PCOS) then she got hooked up with support group for PCOS at Dr. F. She also wanted me to make the switch!

    I have decided to give Dr. R three more cycles and then see where it goes from there.

    Thanks again and good luck to you!

  9. I too have PCOS and had infertility issues. I didn't see you mentioning taking any medications but glucophage is a wonder drug when it comes to PCOS. Most reproductive endocrinologist prescribe it as a first line. If you haven't tried it I would highly recommend it. It will regulate your cycles and stimulate regular ovulation. It takes about six months to get the best effect but you can continue it for as long as needed. It has some initial stomach side effects but they are gone after the first month.
    My heart goes out to you and I understand your pain and flustration. I hope and pray things improve for you soon.

  10. One Happy Mom- It is funny that you mention the glucophage because I just started taking it in Feb. I don't like the "stomach side effects" and was thinking about not taking it anymore. Thanks for your comment I didn't realize it would go away with time and that it took six months to take effect.
