Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"My Second Home"

Today, as I was walking into the building I work in, a Bald Eagle flew right over my head.

This got me to thinking about how I work at a very beautiful building. The area is landscaped beautifully with not so common plants and flowers. There is a beautiful bog/swamp area. It is usually covered in about a foot or so of water and in the summer Japanese iris' grow here and there underneath the trees. This area is in the frontish/side of the building.

In the rear of the building there is a beautiful man-made lake that stretches the whole length of the building. Behind the cafeteria there is a patio with a stunning wisteria arbor and that stretches the whole length of the cafeteria. It is beautiful and I have never seen anything like it!

Off to the side of the building in the woods is a trail you can walk with those outdoor work out stations that you sometimes see in State/National parks.  That is really pretty back there as well because the walk to get to the trail is down a tree lined gravel road that is so pretty when the leaves are falling or when there is the pretty snow that sticks good to trees.

I know for a fact that there is at-least three bald eagles that live on the property. This winter I saw two does and a fawn eating in the woods and then they ventured down to the pond for a drink! It was all happening right outside my office window!

I always have been an admire of natures's beauty and who would have guessed that work would be such a beautiful place to find all of this!


  1. Wow, that sounds just beautiful! Makes me want to come to work with you.

  2. I'm jealous! Where do you work? I want that surrounding me!!!

  3. I work for JPMorganChase.

    This building used to be a JPMorgan building and they were aqcuired by Chase bank.

    Not all of them are this nice, I am definitly glad I don't work in the heart of the city. I was told that building is like working in a coffin!

  4. again, when can I get a job there? Hook a sister up man!

  5. Sounds gorgeous! Bald eagles are so beautiful to watch. Going to work can't be all that bad when you're surrounded by so much beauty!
