Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Are You F'ing Kidding Me!

I. Locked. My. Keys. In. The. Car!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mind was obviously stolen in the night, I forgot to take my medicine before I left the house and now I lock the keys in the car! If I had my keys I would get in the car and drive home, this will not be a very good day!

I am so pissed now I have to ask my husband to drive down here (I work like 45 minutes away from home)  and unlock my car! Perhaps I should bribe him with lunch!  ;-)

I may never hear the end of this one!


  1. I went from pissed to aggravated and now I just feel like crying. Indeed today will not be a good day.

  2. [...] Aug 1st, 2007 by lifelemons That is how my day has gone! It was one thing after the other at work and then the girls decided to take me out to lunch at my favorite Jose’s Border Cafe! Then I got home and Tom hands me a Vera Bradley gift bag and as if you couldn’t guess what was inside…new Vera stuff!!! YAY!!! He had apparently planned this purchase because he stole my Vera card for a local gift shop out of my purse ahead of time! Isn’t that the sweetest! So I am in a much better mood then earlier this morning! [...]

  3. But at least you had Foraker to cheer you up ;)

  4. its called "mommy brain"

    you have the early stages: "placenta brain."

    its real. and its rough. sorry, girlie!!!
