Friday, August 31, 2007

Graduation Day (11 weeks 4 days)

Thursday was our last appointment with the Reproductive Endocrinologist and now we have "graduated" to my regular OB. It was kind of sad, I love everyone in that office and I won't see them again until I am pregnant again. This also ends my weekly ultrasounds, sniffle sniffle! On the other hand I will not miss my weekly copay of $30.00 and I no longer have to take progestrone! YAY!

The baby was sleeping and was not moving a muscle. The ultrasound chick at one point reached up and stabbed at my belly a few times to try to get the baby to move a little. That worked for about 2.2 seconds. It was so cute Tom, Mom and Mom-in-Law came to the appointment and my MIL is SOOO excited! My mom even said to me today, "Tom's mom is so cute she is so excited!" Mom also realized, "You know I'm never going to get to see your baby, I'll have to fight Tom's mom for it." She was joking of course but there maybe a little bit of truth to that statement.

Here is the pics of the baby and I don't want to hear anyone say it still looks like a blob. A blob would be furthest from the truth.





  1. It looks like a baby!!! Congrats!

  2. awwwe I can see the baby! So exciting! I've had that "jab the tummy till the baby moves!" procedure done many times. No fun when your bladder is so full. You have an adorable baby and adorable grammas. I'm very excited for you!

    PS good for you for covering up personal info, drives me insane seeing women posting u/s photos and not bothering to cover that stuff. Its important!

  3. How cool! I can see the baby. No blob! :) I just started reading your blog, but Im getting excited for you!

  4. that aint no blob lady!!!! Unbelievable how much he's grown! I'm so excited!

  5. I won't say that it looks like a blob but it is still a little blobish. It is looking more like something now. A little more babyish. Then I got to the bottom pics and had no idea what I was looking at until I saw that they were labeled for me legs and face.

  6. You've “graduated”

    Does this mean I need to send a card? Does Hallmark sell a "Congratulations on graduating to your OBGYN!!!" card? If so do they sell one with Garfield?
