Monday, August 13, 2007

Excuse Me While I Wipe The Egg Of My Face...


Tom: (In a very cheerful voice) Guess what today is?

Me: Don't know, don't care.

Tom: Guess

Me: I don't know it's Sunday

(Tom gets quiet)

Me: What day is it?

Tom: It's nine weeks today!

And the award for worst wife of the year goes too...Me!

I was just a tad bit irritable yesterday and a little nauseous, in my defense.


  1. don't feel bad. in a few years you'll be forgetting its birthday :-)

  2. WOW!! 9 weeks... !! That is too cute that your husband knew!! I remember after we got the first sonogram of the heartbeat, the weeks and days somewhat melted into each other. That was until I made the date for the 20 week to find out if it was a boy or a girl - then I was counting down for Nov 13th, 2006!!
    I am excited to follow your pregnancy!!
    - Audrey
    Pinks & Blues Girls
