Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Easter Miracle!?!

Could it be that my sweet little baby girl slept through the night? Oh yes, she really did!

I have discovered that she does not like silence. So I left the TV on and she slept right through only waking to eat (which is every two hours). I am feeling very well rested today needless to say. My MIL bought her a "womb bear" that I put in the nursery at the new house so I am going to go and get that and bring it to the old house and see if she likes that just as much as the TV.  Hopefully she will like the bear and I can turn the TV off at night, I don't normally sleep with a light or TV on so I don't want her to get into the habit of having it on.  Wish me luck!





  1. Sleeping through the night is a precious miracle!

  2. Those pictures are adorable.

    Have you considered a white noise machine or nature CD to play overnight to replace the TV? Those work great!

  3. yay for sleep!!! SO happy for you!

  4. Hooray for pictures! You are a beautiful family! And I hope this is the start of a better sleeping pattern!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues
