Thursday, March 20, 2008

Must Not Fall Asleep

The baby has no clue what night and day is, for the most part she sleeps all the time. However, since Tom has returned to work on Monday she likes to stay awake, all night. Now anyone that knows me knows that Heather with no sleep is not a good combination.

 She literally did not sleep a wink all night, I think she had a sensor installed on me. As soon as I had her quieted down and what appeared to be sleeping, I would put her in her bassinet and climb into my bed. At exactly fifteen minutes into me laying in my bed she would start to whimper which then turned into crying, all night. I was really ready to shoot myself when 5:00 rolled around and she still had not gone to sleep for any real amount of time.  

I know this is all normal baby stuff but it is going to take me a little bit longer to adjust. I took a fairly long nap today so hopefully if she wants to fuss all night I won't have a nervous breakdown.

She went to the doctor's today and gained a little bit more weight, she is at 5.12. Not quite birth weight but getting there.


  1. get the book BABYWISE, dear. By Ezzo. Saved our lives.

  2. ugh, so sorry you're going through it! I'll be praying for sleep for you!

  3. Glad you were able to sneak in a nap! Now the baby just needs to learn the value of SLEEP!!! :)

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  4. I second "girlymama"'s comment - once you get the philosophy of the book you'll feel like you have some goals for you and your baby, don't get too hung up on the perfect schedule, you'll make yourself crazy... I'm going to steal your email address from fancythis so I can be of help to you if you need anything! (The first weeks are the toughest - promise!) Ellen

  5. Phew, good luck getting through the sleep deprivation!
