Monday, March 31, 2008

Birth Control.

It really doesn't even belong in my vocabulary.

I decided long ago that birth control was the devil and screwed my body up. No doctor has ever given me reason to think this but I do. I haven't been on birth control now for five years. (Wow as a side note, I never stopped to realize I haven't taken birth control for five years, that is a long time!) I stopped taking it a year before I got married, the year I found out I had PCOS. Taking birth control after learning I had PCOS seemed pointless to me so I just stopped taking it.

But, since I did somehow manage by the grace of God to get knocked up without the use of fertility drugs, I better do something to prevent a possible second pregnancy right away.

With that being said I resigned myself to the fact that *gasp*condoms would need to be used. Gross. I've never been a big fan of condoms and after talking it over with a girlfriend she agreed that she also hated them, which oddly enough made me feel a lot better. So I drug myself to the drug store, baby in tow, and headed towards the condom aisle. For a second I felt like a high school-er sneaking off to buy condoms. I probably stood there a good fifteen minutes staring at all the different varieties. It was a tad overwhelming. I finally made my selection and sat the evil condoms in the cart, next to Hannah. I laughed at the irony of that situation, me with a baby and who'd have thunk I now have to use condoms (you know, just in case. HA!).

I guess it is better to be safe than sorry, I am all for having more kids but I would just like to wait until Hannah is bigger, like two years old bigger. Maybe God will bless us with more children, maybe He won't. But I don't want to be that person, you know the one that gets pregnant as soon as she has her baby. That my friends would be so not cool!


  1. yes, they are gross. but - as someone who got knocked up AGAIN with a 9-month-old - they are a necessary evil ;-)

  2. so what did you buy? ribbed? studded? glow-in-the-dark? flavored?

  3. ok markalan, seriously. gross.

    i HATE condoms. BUT I also HATE birth control, a little more than I HATE condoms I think. And so, condoms it is. Until I actually want to get knocked up, then the fun starts ;)

  4. I'm not going back on the pill, either. I am convinced that they screwed me up, too!

  5. You're to silly... Don't forget though condoms can break ;-0
