Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Clothing Pet Peeves (MEME)

I’ve been tagged by GirlyMama for a clothing meme.  Here is my list of clothing pet peeves:

1) Clothing that is too tight, I mean seriously if you are getting heavier (or are pregnant) you need to buy some looser fitting clothes. You are only fooling yourself.

2) Clothing that is too loose. Why would you do this to yourself? You should try not to look sloppy if at all possible. Buy some smaller clothes already.

3) Black bra and white shirt do not equal a fashion statement. (well it's a statement but not one I want to give!)

4) I do not want to see the top of your thong. While at work especially, we are supposed to be business professionals. Professional being the key word.

5) What the hell is with all this 80's clothing and any other era that we seem to be stuck on replay with. These designers really need to try and have more original designs, I'm just saying.

Okay, now it’s your turn.  Share.  What are your clothing pet peeves???  I tag anyone else who wants to play!

1 comment:

  1. I tagged you for another meme! This one should be quick and easy for you. Come on by when you get a chance!
