Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Feeling Much Better Now!

Well I am finally getting over this horrible plague that I surely thought I was going to die cold. I had a lovely weekend of laying around feeling my very best and trying to not curl up in a ball and die. It was that bad!

It really sucked too, beings it was a holiday weekend and everyone was out having a jolly ole time and I was laying on the couch/in the bed convinced I was dying from some unknown illness. Oh that's right just a cold, not the plague.

I still sound like some strange man/frog combination but I am not near as bad as I was this weekend. I might just be in the clear, knock on wood.

Tuesday I called my Mom to let her know that I was home and that I didn't go to work:

Me: Mom

Mom: Sorry you have the wrong number


Mom: Who are you calling? (With irritation in her voice)


Mom: Who is this?

Me: Mom it is me Heather

Mom: Oh, you sound like shit

Followed by fits of laughter.

It's pretty bad when your own mother doesn't recognize your man/frog voice!


  1. I'm so glad you are feeling better! Don't worry, you weren't the only one just laying around this weekend. Your mom sounds pretty funny though!

    Keep getting well.

    Here's a completely random thing that made me laugh. I drove past an escalade today. No big deal right? Only it was the color of pepto-bismal! Seriously. And the vanity plate said PNKGRRL. Ugh! I wish I had had my camera! Anyways, maybe you'll get a laugh out of it, I sure did.

  2. u poor thing! I hope you feel better!

  3. Glad to hear you're starting to feel better!

  4. Hahaha! That is hilarious that your mom thought you had the wrong number! i guess she doesn't have caller ID!?

    Jane, P&B Girls

    When I told Tom what happened he said, "Doesn't she look at the caller id?" I guess she doesn't pay attention to it!

  5. I can't see without my glasses and I was napping when she called!!

  6. Glad you feel better baby. Love you.

    Love you too Mama!

  7. Oh come on. You women have nothing on us guys when it comes to acting like the common cold is a near death experience. HA!

  8. [...] for a few days now.  It is not a bad cold, not one of those miserable summer colds that my friendHeddy has going the past week or so.  I just have a little bit of clogging going on.  Occasionally, I [...]
