Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Darn MEME's

"Mark Alan" over at Idle Ramblings of a Slightly Mad Man tagged with this here meme. 

These are the “official” rules (I cut and pasted):

  1. Players must list one fact, word, or tidbit that is somehow relevant to their life for each letter of your first or middle name.

  2. When you are tagged you need to write your own post containing your first or middle name game facts, word, or tidbit.

  3. At the end of your post choose one person for each letter of your name to tag.

  4. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them that they have been tagged, and to read your blog.

  5. If I’ve tagged YOU (see below), please join in on the fun!

Okay - here’s my info: Heddy (okay I am cheating and using a nickname, so sue me)

H - Hopeful.  That everything in life works out in a favorable manner.

E- Ecstatic. That I am pregnant, do I need to say more?

D - Daughter. To the the best parents a girl could ask for.

D - Determined. To change something that I can not yet reveal at this point in time.

Y-Yowser. Okay really who can think of a description with the letter Y. Seriously.

Now who I have tagged






  1. Yowser?!? Yowser!?! That was the best you could come up with after all the discussions about it on Talk Delaware?

    *shakes head

  2. Very sweet (except for the yowser - that was just funny!).

    I'll do mine soon!

    Doggy Mama
