Monday, September 10, 2007


I have noticed that some people don't eat pork. They eat all the other meats but not pork. I think it is odd  but to each his own.

I got to thinking about the cafeteria at work. They deep fry all the breakfast meats in the same oil that they deep fry the french fries, onion rings and sweet potato fries. So all the people that don't eat pork are still being contaminated. The bacon, pork sausage, turkey sausage, scrabble and chicken fingers are fried in the same oil as hashbrown patties,  french fries, onion rings and sweet potato fries. So if you didn't eat pork, would you be offended by the cross-contaminates? If eating pork makes you sick would this make you sick? The answer is no.

I am a people watcher and am quite conviced the anti-porks haven't even realized the contamination. They also don't seem to care that the same griddle that everyone else's food was grilled on also grilled there pork-free food.

I find this very interesting and leads me to believe people are full of shit.  :roll:


In the beginning of August I was fixing a paper jam in the copy machine at work. Once I was finished and back at my desk I realized the stone had fallen out of my ring. I told the secretary and she had the copy repairman come down to take apart the machine so I could get my stone back. I successfully located the stone and took the ring to be repaired at Littmans Jewelers.

I finally drug myself to the mall this Friday to pick my ring up. The ring looked beautiful, the stone was back where it belonged and the ring looked all shiny and polished. As the guy is ringing up my bill I notice and blurt out, "The diamonds are missing in the middle underneath the amethyst!" The ring is very unique, IMO, it is a huge amethyst that is set high and underneath the amethyst is a row of diamonds probably about seven or more. I guess when they put the amethyst back in place they knocked one or two of the little diamonds out. They are supposed to fix and it should be ready today. I am SO glad I caught that before I walked out of the store! This also lead me to wonder, how in the hell did you not see the diamonds missing from the row? I mean you are working that closely with the ring and don't even notice that you knocked the diamonds out? Craziness!


  1. I am definitely a lover of pork, but I have some good friends who aren't. I've tried sliding it over on them, like when I make black bean soup, and they can always taste it. My guess is that since the cafeteria is deep frying everything in the same lard, the taste is probably mixed up so much that they can't taste it.

    Nonetheless, why one would to deny themselves the tasty tastiness of country ham, Tennessee Pride sausage, Applewood bacon and pork-infused gravies is beyond me. Mmmmmm...

  2. "So if you didn’t eat pork, would you be offended by the cross-contaminates"
    Isnt Kosher-eating folks kinda like that .. they can't have their food prepared on the same surface as non-Kosher. If I'm wrong, someone let me know but that's what I've always thought.

    Oh, and pork fat ruuuules!
