Tuesday, February 10, 2015

sunshine and rainbows

I thought I was having one of "those" weeks and it's only Tuesday, oy.

It started yesterday I was so tired. I think it was my nap combined with Starbucks later in the day and this Mama could not sleep at night. I drifted off somewhere around 3:30 only to spring awake for work at 5:30 6:00 (thank you snooze button). I somehow managed to make it through work and then when I got home things got worse. I woke up today still angry from the prior incident and worried. Thanks to my Dad (I jokingly call him Doom and Gloom) I take a situation and think of every possible outcome and all of these possible outcomes suck. I try to keep it together and decide to read my daily, this always makes me feel better I say to myself. Today was short and sweet. "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God." This did not make me feel better. Where is the scripture instructing me to throat punch my enemy? Because let's be honest, that's how I really feel.

Man, I just couldn't shake this sadness and anger which is not normally like me. I crack open the Bible again thinking surely I'll find something in here to help the situation. This just left me with more questions and now I have a post-it note with a ton of notes and still feeling like I'm no closer to an "answer."

It finally clicks....be a peacemaker. Did I not just read this? Am I totally ignoring what I'm instructed? Uh, my bad.

After I got my heart right about the situation the day went much better. Carter and I even went on a date...to Walmart.

So lesson of the day:

When you feel like this:

Remember this:

Monday, February 2, 2015

update on life

We found a church! 

It's one thing to pray and study the Bible at home. It's SO much nicer to add in corporate worship and begin to build bonds with other folks just like you...struggling sinners. We began going to a new Life Group which my previous church titled Community Group; if any of you Stoners happen to be reading this. Life Group has been especially good for me who has been void of friends for oh seven-ish months. Ugh. 

Hannah met a little girl at group and hit it off right away. They were so cute hanging out all night this past Sunday and of course have a play date lined up in a couple of weeks. Watching her makes me think of my own best friend and I, we met while still in church nursery as babies and have stayed together ever since. I pray my girl finds a friend like that...a lifetime friend. 

Carter has been doing really good in school. Oddly, he had a rough week last week and did not get to choose a prize from the prize box (insert the sounds of total devastation here). Today, he came home in a great mood, participated in his activities, took nap, listened and obeyed all day. Phew! He had me concerned for half a second that he was following the same pattern as last year but hopefully we got him turned back around on the correct path. Guys, it's time for Kindergarten registration. Be still my heart. 

Amelia had a screening for Preschool with our school district today. I really hope she's accepted for next year. Fingers crossed. She tested really well in most categories with a low score in articulation. She puts an L as the beginning sound to a lot of her words which at times can make it hard to understand the word she's saying. We'll know in 7-10 days how she made out from her screening. The highlight of her week is church and getting to play with other kids. Poor girl, she asks me nearly every day if she can go to school and bring her backpack and lunch box.