Friday, September 21, 2012

A Distant Memory

Way back in 2007 not long before I found out I was pregnant with Hannah I wrote a blog entry. It was back during a time when I was really, really, really struggling with infertility and I needed answers. I had switched to a new reproductive endocrinologist. On staff he had a nutritionist named Rhonda and she was so sweet and so smart and her insight led me to change my eating habits, lose a bit over thirty pounds and become pregnant with my Hannie.

I still to this day look back on Rhonda and just love that woman for all that she did to help educate me. At one point she took me and another woman suffering with PCOS to the grocery store and we took a food tour of what to eat and what not to eat. It was insanely insightful and incredibly awesome of her to spend her Saturday morning walking the grocery aisles educating me.

Somewhere along the way I stopped doing what she taught me and have definitely paid the price for it. So friends I will bestow some knowledge (copied from the blog entry five years ago) on you that i have put on the back burner but am ready to try anew.

  • Only eat wild caught fish, do not eat farm raised fish
  • Eat only organic meats, other meat has too many hormones
  • Eat organic fruits and vegetables
  • No lunch meat it has too much sodium
  • Nothing that comes from a bag or a box
  • If ”it” can be prepared at home you should do that instead of buying all ready prepared from the store
  • Eat pasta and rice sparingly
  • She recommended eating shredded wheat for a snack
  • She also recommended Kashi Pilaf as a side item for lunch or dinner
  • Essentially if it is organic that is what I should buy
  • Do not eat anything sugar free

I have really been struggling with losing weight since the birth of Amelia and my confidence in myself is mostly to blame. I think it's about time to pick myself up by the boot straps and start over. By God if this doesn't work I'm giving up and doing gastric bypass ;)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Little Boy Red

The nearly summer long "rash" has turned out to be eczema. The doctor said that it may go away on it's own with time. I really hope it's something that he grows out of since it is directly on his face and looks more like rosacea to me. The doctor we visited today did two allergy panels on him for both environmental and food allergens and he came back negative for all of them. He never scratches or picks at his face so that will be helpful in the long run with any potential scarring.

The doctor advised us to use plain dove soap and a cream called Formula II and not to take hot baths. He also said we should give him 1/2 tsp of Zyrtec everyday which I didn't understand since it's not from an allergen. Along with the skin care products we'll be switching to fragrance/dye free laundry detergents as well. Wish us luck in this new transition!

My poor boys face:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hello Lover...

I foolishly perused the coach online outlet and discovered this:

I am now smitten and wishing I had some reason to justify it's purchase. Well a reason and some extra money ;)

Monday, September 10, 2012


It's that time of year again, the kids are back in school and the weather is feeling cooler by the second.

This morning when I left for work I felt a hint of chill in the air and wished I was going to pick apples instead of going to work. My mind is now wandering to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yes, Christmas will be here in FOUR months. I've been trying all year to be ahead of the rush and have successfully ordered all the Halloween costumes and accessories. Along with completing Christmas shopping for both Hannah and Carter. Phew!

I always thought it was the cutest thing when I found out Mama Smith (my BF's mom) had everyone (she has 5 kids) write down there entire Christmas list and they still do that to this day. I'm thinking of making Tom do the same thing as he is the WORST person to shop for. You'd think after 14 years this aspect of life would be easier but every year I find that I don't recall him asking for anything in particular and anything I do buy him is not what he wanted. Sigh. So this year homeboy will be forced, at gun point if necessary, to write me a list.

I don't have very many wants but can always scrape up a few ideas for the old Christmas list ;) :


While I'm Dreaming: