Thursday, June 28, 2007

Going to My Homelands.

It's vacation time! Going to Missouri, leaving tonight. I am still not packed, just call me Mrs. Procrastination!

 I went to my mom's earlier today to see my neices one last time before we leave, it is also my oldest neices birthday today. I start to leave and the oldest one throws a fit! It was the fit of all fits, I have never seen the likes from her before. The poor thing was screaming and crying, "I want to go with you, I am going to miss you, No Heather!" Pulling on the back of my shirt all the way down the driveway until I got in the car. I started to cry a tiny bit, it was heart-wrenching to watch her like that. I hope she is okay while we are gone, since her Mammie and Gampie are leaving for the week with us. She is so attached to us and it is making me sad just thinking about it.

I have been in the worst mood all week, the impending burial of Grandpa, missing my girls, leaving the dogs and finding out that I have to go to "the diabetes center" for practically the rest of my life.

I guess it's time to put my big girl britches on and pack my bags! But why am I so damn weepy?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Survey Says...

Here is the answer to my lying post.

I do not like the beach. I got you all pretty good as most people (especially when they live only 45 minutes away from one) love the beach. With me as the exception.

Thanks for playing y'all this was a fun one.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Brad Paisley

As many of you know I love Brad Paisley. I even joined the fan Club, mainly to buy VIP tickets for the shows I attend because the seats are the best. So anywho, you are given the oppurtunity to register for a Meet and Greet. This will allow you (if you are chosen) to meet Brad and have your picture taken with him. I have entered in the Meet and Greet contestant a total of four times. Everytime I have not been chosen. I checked this weekend and still hadn't been chosen. I decided to check today at work and this is what I found:


I squealed, threw my head phones to my desk and stared at my work friend with a gaping wide mouth. She thought somebody died, she said "what, what happened?" I told her "I get to meet Brad Paisley!!!" She said "What, what are you talking about?" As to which I explained to her about the meet and greet, etc. Of course I pick up the phone and call L to see if she won. She didn't answer, of course, so I left a message. That was not good enough for me so I decided to break into her fan club log in and check for myself to see if she won. She didn't. So now I am feeling really bad that I get to meet Brad and she doesn't. But part of me is saying so long sucker, see you when I'm done meeting Brad!

Interesting things to know about Obama

Check out this post 

I Hope this post will help other people in making the appropriate voting decision.

Here is a video clip too.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Thoughts After Midnight.

I was doing wash and hung my bras up to air dry. I had walked past them a few times. For some reason about the third time I walked past I thought, damn would you look at that. My one bra that I used to wear is gi-normous and my other bra looks way smaller next to it. It really helped to put things in perspective. I know it was just two bras hanging up in the mud room but I can't help but wonder if it was that oh so subtle sign from God. As if he was telling me, "Look how good your doing, don't get discouraged, get back on track!" Some of you read that and thought how loonie I must be, but I must admit I wonder. In case you needed to see what I am talking about, here is a pic showing the difference:


Friday, June 22, 2007

Brazilian Bitchiness

Today I went and had my "routine maintenance" read: Brazilian and eyebrow wax. You know since vacation is on the horizon.  I decided not to go to Cielo my normal place because I hate to drive in to the city and various other reasons. I decided to try Trilogy Salon and Day Spa. What a waste. I didn't have to wait to long before the girl came out and yells "HEATHER" as loud as humanly possible. I thought to myself that was obnoxious, oh well. So she speeds walks to the room.

Here is the obnoxious conversation:

Bitch: So you want a bixini and eyebrow wax?

Me: No I wanted a Brazilian and an eyebrow.

Bitch: Okay, the whole thing?

Me: Yes

Instructs me to get undressed get on table, I comply.

B: Do you shave?

Me: No, I get Brazilians.

B: From who?

Me: Cielo.

B: Who at Cielo?

Me: Helene

B: Where is she from?

Me: I don't think anywhere, I don't know.

B: Do you know anyone else from Cielo?

Me: Yes but they don't work there anymore.

B: Who where they?

Me: Jen and Michelle.

B: I know of Jen.

B: You have a lot of ingrown hairs, are sure you don't shave?

Me: No I don't shave, my hair always grows in-grown.

B: You need to start using Tend Skin.

Me: Okay

She does not do a full Brazilian which is really just obnoxious. I was so pissed at her I didn't even want to ask her. Moves on to my eyebrows.

B: WOW, they are really crooked!

B: But you already know that don't you.

Me: I thought one was longer than the other.

B: Did Helene do this as well?

Me: Yes.

B: Do you pluck your eyebrows?

Me: No, never.

B: Well, I am not going to mess with them too much they need to grow out so I can fix them.

Me: Okay.

Needless to say I was ready to choke this bitch. I can't believe she was so rude. I am sorry I am such a horribly disfigured freak and my hair grows in-grown and my eyebrows are disgustingly crooked. It is just me or was she accusing me of plucking and shaving? I would never, hence why I pay someone to do that for me. Next time I am just going to brave the city and go to Cielo. I hate people!

Throoowwwback Thuuuurrrsssddday!!!


Dance! Dance! Dance!

Theme of the post is dances, let's take a look shall we.

First pic here is from the 8th grade formal I believe it was in 1998. This was pre-Tom by about six months or so. I look like I am ready to punch someone in the face!:


Next up is 10th grade homecoming? Please note the absence of Tom as he refused to go:


Last but not least, Tom and I at my senior prom, circa 2002:


Beings I have always hated this picture, here is one of the same prom I like a little better:


Mom called me today and told me that Harry Ray my uncle is planning a military funeral for Grandpa. Here is a pic of him when he came back from Germany, March 23, 1946. (He was in World War II)


Tag You're It!

I was tagged by MarkAlan, here goes folks:

You must reveal nine things about yourself and one must be a lie....ya'll know so much, I am not sure what to put down.

1. After reading one of my favorite authors I got a wild hair to want to move to Alaska.

2. I have a great uncle named Goober, he is one year younger than my father and is his uncle.

3. I love going to the beach. In the summer I just love to hang out in the sand and salt water for hours and hours.

4. My first car was a Dodge Neon.

5. Tom and I lived with my parents for one and a half years after we were married.

6. At times I have a hard time sleeping and as of recently have been waking up late every morning.

7. I love the rain especially when I get caught in it,  watching or listening to it! I just love it.

8. I plan on buying a country home when I am in my 30's.

9.  I am going to school in the fall for Agri-Business Management and Horticulture.

Okay, now it is your turn to figure out my lie, good luck!

I tag: Jane, Laura and Mel.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Weight-Loss Wednesday!

Well, I am holding steady at 260.6. So far I have a total loss of 33lbs. I am really proud of myself. I feel sexy and confident, hopefully I can continue to lose weight. I think I am going to say f-it and exercise. I haven't exercised in over a week because I am supposed to be "taking it easy" but my back hurts from not walking. Imagine that, I actually want to walk, oh the irony. 

Tom (the husband) has lost a total of 15lbs. I am so proud of him. I can already see a difference in him too!

How is everyone else doing?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Divorce Is Emanate

I am totally devastated and at a loss for words. Tom broke my heart today when he uttered those four words I wished he never said, "I've never watched it." I know you thought I was going to say I want a divorce or I cheated on you. Not even close, we were watching Bridge to Tarabithia and I asked him if he ever watched The NeverEnding Story. He dropped a bomb on me when he told me he never watched it. I was outraged! Who hasn't seen The NeverEnding Story? It is like the BEST movie from my child hood! I loved all The NeverEnding Story movies.

I've decided that I will begin to buy all of these movies (probably after vacation) and have a The NeverEnding Story weekend. He said he has no interest in watching them, can you believe that? I am outraged I tell you! After I teased him a little more I told him this was going on the blog! I even sang him the theme song, he was not amused.

I must educate the world about The NeverEnding Story!!!  ;-)

Did anyone else watch them or am I in my own universe over here?


I just loved this guy, he was my favorite character!


Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Dreamy Eric Church

Oh my gosh! L and I went to a concert on Thursday at the Bottle and Cork in Dewey Beach, DE. It was freakin' awesome! We both loooovvveee Eric Church and we were right. directly. in front. of. the. stage!!! Are bellies were literally pressing the stage, he was standing directly in front of me all night, it was the best! For the most part we were singing, dancing, clapping, screaming: all night. I am still so excited just thinking about it! At one point some girl behind me tried to crush me to death hoping she would be able to touch someone's leg on stage, that lasted two seconds before I did a backwards body slam which should have landed her on her ass. It only took one time of that and no one did it again! I am all for watching the concert but being drunk does not give you the right to be an obnoxious asshole!

At the end of the concert we hung around and got a pic with Eric and his autograph! I was for some unknown reason star-struck and stood there like an idiot instead of giving him a hug. This was me:

Me: Hi

Eric: Hello

(Takes my picture from my hands to sign it)

Eric: What is your name?

Me: Hhheaatther

My voice might as well have been trembling! I couldn't believe the way I behaved! L on the other hand had, no problem! She ran up and gave him a hug like they were long lost cousins.







To see more pics from the concert go here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Throwback Thursday

Here is a pic of Molly when she was a little baby:


This one is of her and Bo, my parents Chow-Chow, playing:


To see more Throwback Thursdays visit MamaDoggyLove. Get in on the fun and post your pictures from the past!

Blah, Blah, Blah

All week I have been fretting over this damn test I had to do at Dr. F's office. I knew it was going to be painful especially when I read "take 800mg Ibuprofen before the procedure."

I had to have a sonohysterography to make sure my uterus is a-okay. It is just fine as I figured it would be, but the pain from this test was really something. Before the test Rhonda the physicians assistant told me it wasn't as painful as an HSG, thank God! But it ventured pretty close to it.

Before she started the procedure she did the typical ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus to check everything before she began. When she positioned the ultrasound "wand" to my right ovary, I thought the machine must be broken, I can't see anything, why is there a massive black spot? So she tells me it is a cyst! What the piss! I thought I might of had a cyst because my side has been hurting for the past three weeks, it doesn't hurt anymore so I figuered it burst already. That is not the case, the cyst is about the size of a grapefruit and has completely covered my right ovary. Now, I can not exercise or anything physical because she said I could twist my ovary. I am pretty sure at this point that I can't win for losing! To top it off this cyst is producing a whole mess of estrogen which turns to fat and I am trying to lose weight!!! Why is the devil trying to bring me down?  :evil:

So other than that everything is going pretty well for me, I have still managed to lose weight. Losing weight slowed down a bit and I was concerned why but now I am going to blame it on the cyst!  ;-)  I managed to squeeze my big butt into Bermuda shorts that are two sizes smaller from my original pant size! Yay! Is it just me or are shorts cut way smaller than pants and capris? I can fit one size in pants/capris, but in shorts I have to buy a size bigger! I am thinking this is a conspiracy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Talk Delaware

I am really slightly addicted to this forum that my brother created. It is Talk Delaware, it is a perfect place to meet new people, share your ideas, get information and have a good healthy debate from time to time.

This forum literally has every topic from what is your favorite song to are you for or against the death penalty. Even if you don't live in Delaware you should still check it out! There are a few members from the UK and other states.

Chase has also ventured into the blog world, you can visit him there at

If you happened to join the forum put me down as your referral, I go by HEDDY!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Food Tour

Saturday I woke up super early to meet Rhonda and Dee at the Shop Rite 45 minutes away from my house. It was food tour day! Originally I thought they were going to tell you what you should eat, but I left feeling like I shouldn't eat anything. I know that was not her intention. Basically she walked us around the store aisle by aisle and showed us everything we should not eat and had us read the label and the ingredients aloud.

The Summary:

  • Only eat wild caught fish, do not eat farm raised fish

  • Eat only organic meats, other meat has too much hormones

  • Eat organic fruits and vegetables

  • No lunch meat, too much sodium

  • Nothing that comes from a bag or a box

  • If "it" can be prepared at home you should do that instead of buying all ready prepared from the store

  • No tuna for me because of the mercury

  • Eat pasta and rice sparingly

  • She recommended eating shredded wheat for a snack (gross)

  • She also recommended Kashi Pilaf as a side item for lunch or dinner

  • Essentially if it is organic that is what I should buy

  • Do not eat anything sugar free

She also wants me to keep a log of all the sugars I consume, to what end I am not sure. I am feeling really confused and a little overwhelmed. Organic is SOOO expensive so I am not sure how this is going to work since I am poor!  ;)

On the bright side I am officially 30 pounds lighter!!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

I really just love this song!

Ooh! This is good too!

When I Get Where I'm Going

I love this song and wanted to share it with everyone. I heard it this past week and literally started bawling. I have heard it plenty before but not since my Grandpa passed and the irony of it is that Mom, Grandma and I were talking about the burial and memorial service that is planned for July earlier that day. Weird!

I hope you enjoy it, it has been stuck in my head since Wednedsay!

Fine, I'll Do It

FancyThis aka L was bothering me to do this meme. Here we go:

1. The Melting Pot! I love the fondue goodness! But only get there maybe four times a year. Sniffle, Sniffle!

2. Hibachi Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar. I love the Filet Mignon from here! YUM! YUM! YUM!

3. Red Robin. I dream of the Royal Red Robin Burger! Delicious!

4. Jose's Border Cafe. Awesome creole and mexican! I love the Cadillac Fajitas! I am still holding a grudge that they discontinued the crab and shrimp salsa, jerks!

5.Chilis.  The food here is mainly Tex-Mex. Super good! I love there fajitas and broccoli cheese soup!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Weekly Weigh-In! #3

Not doing so good this week, haven't exercised like I should, went out to dinner and had dessert. Shame on me!  My weight has stayed the same which is still a blessing.

Tom (my husband) on the other hand has lost two pounds as of yesterday. He started his lifestyle change on Monday and has stuck to it very well, he even went walking yesterday with me! I am so proud of him!

How is everyone else doing?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Girls Night Out!

The Melting Pot here in DE was offering a special Girls Night Out deal. So of course we had to get in on that deal, I mean after all I haven't been there since October...I think? If anyone has never been I would highly recommend it! I think it is supposed to be geared towards couples but Tom and I have only been once and I think I have been with the girls like ten times. Wow, typing that seems really bad. Oh well, I'll let the pictures do the talking...


Yes, I know, we took one with me holding the camera, we are such dorks!


The best part....dessert


God love her...Em is always being goofy in her pictures. No her teeth are not ultra white she is squishing a marshmallow between them!


Em, L and me! I heart this picture...even if the steam is blowing in my face  ;-)


Em and bestess!


Last but not least our anyone needed a side by side comparison. (I am on the left.)

To cap the night off while we were sitting at the light a woman in-front of us leaving the parking lot threw her car in reverse and backed right into L's car! They were doing traffic on 202 and there was a cop blocking the way to cross the highway. For some reason this woman got the bright idea to back up instead of making a right and turning when the lane became available to cross all the way over. Luckily the cop saw her and crossed the street to "greet" us. He told L, "Better back up some more before she backs into you again!" I was thinking, oh good, he caught that! Em summed this one up the best any of us could, "What a fucking idiot!"

Monday, June 4, 2007

Pregnancy Rumors?

My best work friend has been accusing me of being pregnant since Thursday, she is really cracking me up.

Some humor from Thursday:

"You little hussy, you went and got knocked up after the doctor told you not too."

"I am mad with you."

"Did you tell your mom your pregnant, did you tell Tom?"

"You want me to go get you an EPT at lunch?"

All of my responses were a resounding NO!

I wasn't due to get my period until Saturday so I was not the least bit concerned with her accusations.

This morning:

"Did you come on?"

Me: "NO"

"Did you take a test?'

Me: "It was negative!"

"So, that doesn't mean anything, what brand did you take?"

Me: "Wallgreens."

"Girl, I'm  going to have to go get you a first response!"

Me: "I am NOT pregnant! My period is just taking it's sweet time, as usual!"

"Whatever you say, first you say this weekend, now it is sometime this week, yeah right, your pregnant!"

"What did Tom say?"

Me: "Nothing, because I am NOT pregnant."

"Yes you are you little hussy!"

Me: "I hope I do get my period just to prove you wrong."

"When do you go to the doctors next?"

Me: "When I get my period."

Oh, the irony!

This girl is hilarious! Imagine all of this being said with a New York accent and attitude! She is hilarious and despite me telling her I am NOT pregnant she is still convinced otherwise.

Update: I got my period just now, it is a good thing I wore white pants to work!  ;-)

Humor From The Weekend...

Here is a couple of humorous quotes and stories from this weekend...

(L and I in the car she is driving about 70 or so in a 55, we pass a cop car that is looking for speeders and he doesn't come after us)

L: "Apparently he is looking for people in the 80-100 range."

(Parents and I are eating dinner Sunday night, I was mainly talking to my mother and told her my back has been hurting from not walking due to the rain.)

Dad: "Don't you have a rain-suit"

Me: "I am not walking in the rain!"

Tom: "Yeah, she wants to join the gym in the winter because she doesn't want walk in the cold."

Tom: "All she needs to do is layer up."

Mom: "Tom, have you started walking too?"

Tom: "No"

Followed by fits of laughter

(On Friday I was at the spa for my brazilian regular maintenance)

The aesthitician tells me to go ahead and get undressed from the waist down and jump on the table. She shut the door and left me to undress. I am half naked and hop on the table and it swivels out and rubs hard against my leg and butt. It hurt really bad and I cursed myself for forgetting the table swiveled. There was nothing to do but laugh. Then I realized that I ripped the cloth slightly in half while I was trying to hold on for dear life. I then prattled through the cabinets looking for a new cloth to no avail! What the heck can I just have a normal waxing without some embarrassing moment? Maybe this is a sign!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Weekly Weigh-In! #2

It's that time again! My weight so far is 266! That would make a total of 27lbs lost! Hooray!

I am <this> close to 30lbs total! I am so excited!

What is everyone else's loss?