Friday, December 16, 2011

3rd Week of December

What a week this has been, I'm so exhausted I may collapse at any moment and I still have 40,000 more things to get done.

Tuesday, Hannah had her first Christmas Program at school. It was so super cute! They sang three songs and had cookies in the gym afterwards.

After the program we came home and Hannah and I left for the grocery store. As I'm returning hom, literally entering the neighborhood, Tom calls and tells me that Carter needs to go to the hospital. I get home to see bloody paper towels everywhere and Carter is in hysterics. He fell right as he was about to go into the kitchen and hit his face near the hair-line on the wood trim that goes around the bottom of the wall. Of course he hits the corner where the two pieces of wood meet and he might as well have fallen into an axe as sharp as that corner was. Tom ends up taking him to get looked at and the doctor thinks he does need stitches.

The next day is Carter's birthday and we kicked it off by taking him to the plastic surgeon to get stitched up. This was the grossest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. I thought they would slap some stitches in there and call it a day. Um, not. They cut a chunk of flesh out of his head and then sewed it back together so that it would be a smooth cut. Since I was holding him down for this process I had the pleasure of watching the cutting and sewing. I'm surprised I didn't puke. Carter was screaming his head off the entire time and by the end my arms felt like jello from holding him down but at least it's over and he can start healing.

Thursday, Hannah went to school and made a cute paper wreath ornament for the tree. She used her fingertips to make the holly that go around the edge. She also brought home a present for Tom and I. Carter woke up with a random fever and had no symptoms of illness. We let him lay around the house and he would randomly fall asleep, thankfully the fever went away by the next day.

Today, I attempted to get the house ready for family to come over tomorrow and celebrate Carter's birthday. I think I cleaned up new messes and didn't really accomplish much of anything. Hannah had dance and her teachers had a little holiday party, she got to play games and have cookies and candy.

Well it's back to cleaning for me before Amelia wakes up.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. Buddy!

You're my silly little boy that despite what shenanigans you are up to you can still manage to steal everyone's hearts. Unfortunately, you're still the only grandboy in the family so I'm sorry you have to put up with all these girls around you. Being the only boy you can definitely keep us on our toes. We never know what you may get into or injured by on a daily basis. You've been talking a lot more lately, my favorite thing is when you talk with that rasp to your voice (think Batman: Dark Knight) and say things like "Night-Night," "Hot Dog," and "Football." You give Hannah heck all day; biting, pinching and pulling her hair to name a few. With Amelia you are a little sweetie pie; gently rubbing her head and giving her kisses.  I can't belive it's been two years since you were born.

We love you very much sweet boy.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

2nd week of December

Monday, Amelia had her one month check-up. She is doing really good with her head control and has started smiling. No issues or concerns which is always a good thing! She weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long. We also had family pictures done and that was a debacle but at least I have my Christmas cards ordered.

Tuesday, Hannah brought home a glitter paper bell ornament for the tree and a construction paper christmas tree from school. She is still practicing for her school program and made Tom and I a present that she was able to gift wrap.

We've decided to stop giving Carter juice in order to help his behavior. In hopes the lack of sugary juices would prevent a sugar high. His new favorite thing when receiving discipline is to laugh at you afterwards. It's been super fun at our house lately as you can imagine.

Tuesday afternoon we took the kids to see Santa. They all did very well sitting still for the picture, praise God!!!

Now we're just finishing up shopping and all those little things you try to get done before Christmas catches up to you!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

1st Week of December

This should be a post about the week of H but Hannah's school has taken the month of December off of show and tell and the alphabets to focus on Christmas.

Han has begun to learn songs for her school Christmas program. It's super cute how she wanders around the house singing her Christmas songs for us. She has also been crafting it up with Christmas themed projects.

Tom and I took the kids on a train ride with Santa. They had a lot of fun and the view from the train was beautiful!

Carter has learned to crawl in and out of his crib this week and will be getting a toddler bed very soon. Tom and I decided that if he can crawl out of his crib that he no longer needs a pacifier so he lost his precious "suckies" this week too! He's been doing pretty good without them and will only occasionally steal Amelia's.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Amelia Jane

  • Born November 1st at 7:55 AM

  • 7 pounds 2 ounces and 19 inches long

We set our alarms for an early rise Tuesday morning, November 1st. Our bodies thought otherwise as both Tom and I slept through both of our alarms and didn't wake until 4:45 while needing to be at the hospital by 5:30. Whoops! We both did manage to get showered and dressed in time and pulled up to the hospital doors at 5:30 on the dot. After we checked in with the front receptionist we headed up to the second floor/peri-op where we would spend our time directly before and after delivery.

Everything was pretty routine with lots of paperwork being completed and IV's being administered. It was finally time and they wheeled me to the OR while Tom waited in the hall. The dreaded moment came to get my spinal, man do I hate that part. Finally they laid me down and Tom was allowed to come in. In typical fashion my body starts shivering and I begin to throw up, a lovely way to welcome your child to the world. After what felt like an eternity Amelia was finally born! I was almost done when I felt pain in my belly. I looked at the nurse who was messing with my medicines the entire procedure and calmly advised her that I'm on the verge of freaking out. At that point I could feel pain, I was still vomiting and my arms where shivering so hard that I looked like I was having a seizure. If I had feeling in my legs I might have sprung off that operating table! The whole c-section was miserable and felt like the longest to me.

Finally, they get me ready to wheel me back to periop where I would spend my recovery and I get to hold her. My second sweet baby girl. After we get to recovery the nurses start right away checking her and I. Amelia's blood sugar was too low so the nurses had me give her a bottle of formula to get her sugar levels up. After that she was doing good and snoozed most of our stay in recovery. I was surprisingly in a ton of pain, not how I remember the first two c-sections. The nurses gave me medicine but it wasn't working, I was supposed to be in recovery for two hours and I was there nearly four because my pain and blood pressure would not get under control. At one point my blood pressure reached 199/115 and the pain was like something I had never experienced before.

Once my pressures came down we were transferred to our hospital room. Everything went pretty well with the exception of around 7:00 pm the first night. The nurse at the time came in and advised us that Amelia would be under the bilirubin lights because her blood type is B positive and my type is O positive and the two don't mix. What a terrible night that was, she hated the lights. She was not allowed to be held unless she was eating so that the lights could break up the bilirubin and get her levels down. All in all we made out okay and got to leave the hospital a day early.

It's a week later and I feel like crud but I'm hoping that will pass soon. Amelia went to the doctor's office Monday and is down to 6 lbs 8 ozs. I went to my doctor Monday as well and my pressure is still high 160/100 so they put me on blood pressure meds.

She is a great baby, she mostly sleeps and during the day I have to wake her up to feed her. The kids have gotten used to her very quickly and love being around her and loving on her. I'd say having three children is about like having two far ;)

What happens when we attempt to get a picture of all three, lol:

Monday, October 31, 2011

Party of Five

Tomorrow is the big day! We'll finally get to meet this little one that's been causing so much trouble.

Tom and I will report to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning and surgery is scheduled for 7:30. Hopefully we'll be out of surgery and recovery by lunch time or near there.

I wasn't feeling too panicked or anxious until I hugged my in-laws and hugged my kids and Mom a little bit ago. I felt like I might just cry but was keeping it together. Then Tom called and I just started crying. Funny how talking to your husband just draws out those emotions you can otherwise conceal. It's safe to say that my pre-baby jitters have finally kicked in, briefly. Hopefully that was my only mini meltdown because I know there is nothing to cry about. I'm super excited to meet Amelia!

I'm off to find something around the house to do and keep my mind occupied until bed time!

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Week of "D"

Tuesday was Hannah's Day Out with Daddy! She was super excited to spend the day with her Daddy at school. They got to eat donuts and make crafts together. They had a blast. Han was also attendance taker for that day and got to stand up at the front with her teacher to take the attendance. Show and Tell was a sparkly dolphin.

Thursday Hannah did a ton of Fall paintings and projects. Her teacher gave her a treat bag and they had a special treat for her school mate's birthday. Show and Tell was a Rubber Ducky; pink with black polka dots none the less ;)

I feel like more happened this week but pregnancy brain is getting the best of me at the moment ;)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Week of "C"

Tuesday, Hannah enjoyed showing off her camera for the week of C as well as some freestyle coloring. She was super excited to bring class snack, one of her favorites-Cheez-Its! She even brought home her school picture proofs!

Carter enjoyed going to Toys R Us Tuesday afternoon and FINALLY getting his Halloween costume!

Thursday, Hannie took one of her Hello Kitty dolls to school for show and tell. She brought home a craft project and her letter C for the week!

Friday while home, Hannah made Christmas Lists for her and her brother and taped them to the pantry door.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Limbo Land

That's kind of where I'm at right now with this pregnancy. After Thursday's doctors appointment resulted in being admitted directly to the High Risk Pregnancy Unit at our local hospital.

I stayed in the hospital for about a day and a half to be observed and to complete a 24 hour urine test as an inpatient. The results of that test were the same as when I did it a month and a half ago, only confirming once again that I have preeclampsia. Shocker.

Initially, I thought that they might take Amelia that day or the next since I was sent to high-risk but obviously that didn't occur. One of the doctors on duty said that the risk of taking her at 36 weeks was too high. Since I now have gestational diabetes Amelia is at a greater risk of having respiratory issues if she is born prior to 37 weeks. Call it mother's intuition but I don't think it's her time just yet and was surprised to have found myself back in the hospital. She is doing very well cooking; it's just my body that is having an adverse reaction.

I think it's safe to say I've finally hit my wall of being good spirited about bed rest and hospital stays. It took a month and a half but I've finally cracked. It feels like fall was ruined, it's my favorite time of year and I can't even enjoy it. I miss not being able to spend as much time with Tom and our kids. I just feel sad. Maybe the coming weeks will be better?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Week of "B"

Tuesday, Hannah enjoyed her very first field trip! Her and Daddy went to Filasky's Farm and took a tour, played in a bouncy house, had a hayride and picked pumpkins! Super fall-tastic!

Thursday at school they had a "Teddy Bear Parade!" As usual she enjoyed painting, coloring and using scissors.