Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Prayers Needed

  • My Uncle Butch is still fighting blood infection as well as an infection in his knee. He is also now blind in his left eye.

  • My Aunt Carol (Butch's Wife) is having some issues with her heart and was hospitalized this past weekend.

  • My Aunt Gail had some moles removed that turned out to be skin cancer so they had to go back in and remove more of her leg/skin.

Please keep my family in your prayers!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Black Man Magnet

This is a recurring theme in my life. Black men love the "big girls" or at least the majority seem to.

I was pumping gas yesterday and as I stood by the pumping area and begin to swipe my card this man starts looking over at me.  I glance slightly so that I can be sure he is looking at me and not something else. Sure enough he is staring me in the face, great. I look up at him now that I have established I have a starer and he says "Hi." I tell him Hi back, he keeps staring, I pump my gas and pretend not to notice.  It was super creepy and strange, we were the only two people at the pumps and the way he was looking and craning his neck to look over towards my car was creeping me out. I was about to return to my car and lock the door when he finally got in his car and left. Not sure what that whole weird incident was all about but I was getting the heebes for sure.

Fast forward to later that night at the Y...

I am working my triceps on one of the weight areas, sure enough I have acquired a starer. After staring for a while he finally offers me some advice that if I hold the bar a different way I can also exercise my back. Oh okay thank you man who is shaped like Grimace from McDonalds. Had I wanted to exercise my back I would have done so. Okay so I didn't say that I just looked at my trainer who told him "Thank you." But it doesn't end there folks, the man continues to watch my every move for about five minutes longer. He then advises me, "Don't forget to breath." At this point I am more than annoyed. I assured him that I was breathing and proceeded to blow my breaths out louder for emphasis.  I am definitely not a grunter/loud breather when I work out but I am very focused on my inhaling and exhaling. He then continues to stare and stare and stare.  I think if I was a ruder person I would have lashed out irrationally but whatever. This guy thought he was being helpful and I thought he was being obnoxious. It was all quite comical because I am not sure what that man was there for, he should have been exercising but he was just standing about holding weights in his arms and staring, at me.

This always seems to happen to me quite often so I just CAN'T wait to see what happens the next time I go to the Y. Maybe I'll finally tell a starer to quit staring.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Callie Monkey

Born January 10th 2003 and passed away February 16th 2009.

Yesterday quite unexpectedly Tom and I had to make the decision to put our dog down. She was our younger dog and within the past week or so seemed to have become very sick. I honestly thought she had a bladder infection or something that would just require some medicine and then she would be fine. So I called the vet yesterday and made an appointment to bring her in and have her checked out. The doctor did an X-ray and blood work as well as a physical exam. Just looking at her there was no visible reason as to why she was SO sick. The blood work told everything.

Her kidney level was extremely high, the normal range was 6-27 and she was 130. The doctor said that he had never been able to successfully cure a dog when the kidney's were that bad. Essentially her body was shutting down and her kidney's were failing. Our possible options to help her would have been the dog form of dialysis but that her levels were so high the damage was done and that it was extremely unlikely she would recover and the second option was to put her down. Of course we could only do what was best for her and that was to put her down, the doctor agreed that he would have done the same thing if it had been his dog.

The reason's why she would have been so sick would have been from Lyme's disease, drinking anti-freeze or a birth defect and I can honestly say it had to have been a birth defect.  There is no doubt in my mind, the dog had always seemed a tad bit off all of her life and I think when you look back on things you see what you couldn't see before.

I am just in shock over this still, she was so a sweet dog and laid back. She was very kind to Hannah and my nieces and never bit them or snipped at them. Just a sweet little docile dog.


(She didn't really have anything wrong with her eye, she just never liked the flash)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Distant Memories

This weekend I had a super fun girls night out with my besties and we had a talk on the way home about age and memories.

Some of us don't care how old we are getting, others would like to have a panic attack. For myself I just miss the fun times, I wish I could bottle them up and slowly release them if I ever start to forget. I will be twenty five this year and it scares me a little about how many things have gone by and what is still to come.

I have those moments when I would just like to freeze time and everything that is happy and wonderful stands still and I can just live in it forever. My most memorable moments are of course my wedding and giving birth to Hannah. With both of those memories I can pretty much tell you second to second about what happened that day. Then there are the other memories- going out with your girlfriends, spending time as a family, visiting fun places. I just wish they didn't all have to end.

It makes me sad and happy to soon be celebrating Hannah's first birthday and I hope that I don't let any of the memories of the year past and the years to come slip away from me!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day Five

Well it's day five of the fast.

Things are not going well in my opinion. I have been extremely strict with my diet, no cheating what so ever not even an occasional piece of small candy.  I have successfully gained two pounds, oh wait that's right I am supposed to be losing not GAINING. Clearly my body is not appreciative of all of my hard work and has decided to revolt against me.

I am literally on the verge of tears today and am going to give this fast a few more days before I kick it to the curb and try something different.

Please none of you say how muscle weighs more than fat or I just may scream!