Saturday, July 30, 2011

Operation Organization

Last weekend my Dad and I worked on the family room. I seem to get along best with my Dad on projects like this because we have the same mindset. We're practically twins ;)

Dad and I set forth on cleaning my family room which had somehow began to look like a room that a hoarder lived in. We threw away some things, hung shelves, cleaned some more and finally ended up with a pretty decent looking room. After Dad went home I organized DVDs and began putting them on the shelves, hung pictures, put out Tom and I's unity candle and a few more odds and ends. In between organizing the family room I worked on sanding, staining, sanding, staining and sanding some more. Voila! I had a completed handrail.

This weekend I hung more shelves and put the books up. Finding bookends proved futile so for now I just have heavy stuff sitting on the shelf to keep my books from falling in the floor. I'm itching to do more will need more money for the big items like a small loveseat/big chair and a TV stand. Once we have that this room will be all set for the kid's toys!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Christmas (Shopping) In July!

I may be in the beginning throws of "nesting."

We've recently begun to re-do the family room downstairs to transform it into a toy room for the kids. Thank God we'll be able to regain our Living Room as a toy free zone!

With this I've come to realize I need to start Christmas shopping, like now!

I know there is no way in this world I'll want to do any shopping once the baby is here in November so I've given myself until October to get it all done. Shoot, at this rate I won't feel as strapped for cash at the end of the year! With that I've successfully purchased about 50% of Hannah's presents and have just barely started Carter. 

I think I'm off to a pretty good start ;)

Friday, July 15, 2011

HOot HOot

If I had endless amounts of money I would re-do Hannah's room with these adorable owls from Company Kids:

Don't you just love them? But since Hannie just got new bedding like last year or something it would make more sense to buy Amelia new bedding like this set:

I'm digging the owls, they are oh so cute!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Amelia Update

The appointments seemed to be going along well...

Last Wednesday I had an OB appt and was able to schedule my C-Section for 11/1/2011! The next day I had a Fetal Echo Cardiogram at the local Children's Hospital to monitor the effects of my hypo-thyroid/diabetes on the baby's heart. That went well and no issues were noted. The day after that I had an appt at the Diabetes doctor and my Hemoglobin A1C is still really good and my levels have been good so no changes with that. Which meant no insulin, hallelujah! My thyroid is still off and is too high so they are raising my medicine to compensate.

Then this Tuesday came and I had my monthly level 2 ultrasound. Everything seemed fine and then during my ultrasound the tech asked if I had any issues at my last appt. Well I didn't but her question had me quickly realize that when the doctor came to check me out I'd be given some type of bad news. She finished up the ultrasound and advised that Amelia is estimated to weigh 1 pound 4 ounces and is in the 38th percentile. Forty minutes after the tech leaves the exam room the doctor finally shows up. He immediately asks if I know what a "notch" is. Um, no. He goes on to explain that the baby is not getting enough blood flow from the placenta on the left side. He continues with that being where the notch comes in and says that instead of the blood flow being  just "one big gulp" that mine is a "big gulp, a divit and a small gulp to compensate." I could plainly see what he was talking about on the tv screen so that was helpful to know what I was looking at. He went on to say that this could be a pre-cursor for preeclampsia and that I really needed to rest and relax and be as stress-free as possible (insert laugh here). I asked if there was anything I could do for the "notch" and there isn't so I think this is a wait and see kind of thing.  I have high hopes that the next visit is "normal" and they'll tell me there is no longer a sign of a "notch." So for now all I can do is pray!

Baby Amelia's Face:


Tuesday, July 5, 2011


...when I get to, for a moment, pretend to be a stay at home mom. Maybe one day hopefully I'll get to stay home with the kiddos but for now, me working is a necessary evil.

This year was a stay at home year. This usually occurs on the years I'm pregnant, I kind of like it that way. We stayed home for a day then headed to the beach for a few days. Came home and stayed a day and then the next headed to Sesame Place. Then back home to watch movies, eat popcorn and lounge around like we hadn't a care in the world! Ooh, we even had my best friend's baby shower which was of course super fun! Then it was a quiet fourth of July as Tom returned to work and I attempted to shrink the overwhelming list on my DVR. Monday night Hannie had a hard time falling asleep, as soon as she realized it was back to work for me the next day she would not stop crying. After I finally got her settled in bed, I went in my room and started to cry too. I hate leaving my kiddos and I really, really didn't want to leave them for super stressful work. I guess that's life and we just got to keep plugging along and praying life might change for the better someday.

As fun as vacation was I think it was an eye opener for me. Hannah's voice sounds so little still and I enjoyed taking the time to listen to her ramble on. Carter's legs suddenly looked so long! When did my baby boy turn into a nearly two-year old? I enjoyed snuggling in bed with my husband at a normal time of day. I just wish life could be like that everyday! Tom and I were able to talk face to face for once which was terrific. We even hammered out a baby name for our upcoming girl. We both really liked Amelia Sophia but couldn't bring ourselves to give this child the initials A.S.S.  So, we decided on Amelia Jane instead! Apparently, come to find out Amelia is a family name on Tom's side and Jane is a family name on my side which was an added bonus we hadn't realized.

I am going to make a pointed effort from here on out to make more family time and memories. The years are slipping by entirely too fast!