Saturday, November 25, 2006

Christmas Is In The Air!

Today and yesterday I went shopping, super fun! I worked Friday but afterwards I went to my mom and dad's house to get my Christmas decorations. After that mom and I came back to my house and unloaded FOUR boxes of Christmas decorations! Then we headed down to the Dover Mall and I bought mom her Christmas present as well as my niece and soon to be second niece (Dec 4th?) their presents.

Today L and I went out to lunch and shopping. We went to National Decorative Distributors and picked up floral supplies. I needed to make a wreath for my friend for Christmas and she needed to pick up supplies for two projects of her own. While there I also bought E a present for Christmas! I am feeling extremely accomplished! We headed on over to the Christiana Mall, never again, it was RIDICULOUSLY crowded! I will not return there until January 2007.

I have the tree trimmed and all the indoor decorations that I am going to put up, up. Tomorrow I will tackle the outdoor decorations and I shall be done!

 Good Luck to all you fellow shoppers and decorators!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tag, You're It

1. What is your current age - 22

2. When is your birthday - October 12th

3. Nationality - Americano

4. Do you have any pets - Two of the world's most adorable pomeranians!

5. Sexuality - I am happily married to a.......MAN

6. What colour is your hair-Dark Brown

7. What colour are your eyes- Brown

8. What ethnicity are you - Indian Native American and English

9. Favourite music - Country and Bluegrass

10. Favourite films - Steel Magnolias, Hope Floats

11. Dating Status - Married

12. Favourite book - I love Lillian Jackson Braun books!

13. Favourite tv show -Lost, CSI, Jericho

14. Dream man - My Husband!

15. Dream woman - N/A

16. Can you speak any other languages - Nope

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Thanks Best Friend!

You Are Cookie Monster

Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speakingHow you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!"

The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

Ok I am offended!

Your Five Factor Personality Profile

Extroversion:You have medium extroversion.You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.

Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.

But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."


You have high conscientiousness.

Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.

Most things in your life are organized and planned well.

But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.


You have low agreeableness.

Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.

In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.

And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.


You have low neuroticism.

You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.

Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.

Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is low.

You're a pretty conservative person, and you favor what's socially acceptable.

You think that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea.

While some may see this as boring, many see you as dependable and wise.

The Five Factor Personality Test

You Are a Cranberry and Popcorn Strung Tree

Christmas is all about showcasing your creative talents.

From cookies to nicely wrapped presents, your unique creations impress everyone.

What Christmas Tree Are You?

Here I go...

On Monday I registered for my classes for college, yay! I will be going to school at night Monday-Thursday. Last night I started to think is this going to be too much? Then I realized in High School I worked at nights/weekends and went to school. If I did it then I can do it now!

Today I am starting NutriSystem. I started the day off with sawdust in a cup eggs and for lunch I am going to eat minestrone soup. The eggs weren't so bad this morning so I guess I'll be okay! I am really optimistic about this because it seems kind of fail proof, I mean gosh the food is already there for me all I have to do is eat it. I was surprised how much Italian food they have, almost every one of my dinner items is some sort of Italian Pasta or the like. I'll keep you all updated on my progress. (The husband has been doing this since Sunday and had lost like five pounds already) Keep me in your prayers!

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Thanks A Million...

1. Things that scare me: Someone I am close to dying.

2. People who make me laugh: Everybody, literally.

3.Things I hate the most: People talking to me in the morning. Being mean for no reason.

4. Things I don’t understand: Sending hard working American's jobs to India.

5.Things I’m doing right now: working

6.Things I want to do before I die: Go to Italy, Alaska and Hawaii among other places.....

7.Things I can do: Make flower arrangements, garden

8. Ways to describe my personality: Oppinionated, Sarcastic, Reliable

9. Things I can’t do: I am sure there is plenty...

10.Things I think you should listen to: GOOD Country Music

11. Things you should never listen to: Someone's opinion of you

12.Things I’d like to learn: To play the fiddle

13.Favorite Foods: Mexican, Filet Mignon

14.Beverages I drink regularly: Diet Coke, Cappuccino, Water

14a. Beverages I’m trying not to drink regularly:  Coke

15. Shows I watched as a kid: Garfield, Clarissa Explains It All

Monday, November 6, 2006

And The Award Goes To....

Yes that's right folks the 40th annual CMA's were on tonight!

I watched start to end and it was great!

BRAD PAISLEY won ALBUM OF THE YEAR! This was of course for the Time Well Wasted CD. I clapped so hard I scared the dogs half to death!

I was sorely disappointed that Kenny Chesney won entertainer of the year?!?!?! What the hell is that crap!

I was also disappointed that Carrie Underwood won Female Vocalist of the Year!?!?!? What the heck? She really beat out Faith, Sara and Martina, are you serious?

But I digress.

I hope you watched it or you missed a heck of a show!