Saturday, January 31, 2009

NO Bread, NO Red, NO Cheese

This is my latest challenge. I really need something to just get me to drop a bunch of weight. My trainer thinks this is something that I really need to pray on and be focused.

The challenge is that for thirty days I will not eat bread, red meat or any cheese. Now if anyone out there knows me, knows that I LOVE all of these things!  With my PCOS it really is poison to my body when I eat any type of carbs such as pasta or bread. I am not kidding, if I were to eat a small portion of pasta or white bread I will gain at least a pound if not more. I have cut out all white bread and have only been eating wheat but now I am just cutting it out completely.

Cheese mine enemy, I love it! I wouldn't say I eat it at every meal but I will usually eat cheese once or twice a day.

Red meat, my favorite meat this is where we will part ways. I will now be eating chicken or turkey like that's my job!

Surprisingly I am feeling really good about this. I thought I would be taking it harder but so far so good!

If anyone would like to take the challenge with me I would love that!!! Just let me know if you are going to do it too so we can be there for each other!

Another thing I have been working on is cleaning up my mouth! Man has this been a challenge. Try as I might I can't quit cussing, I think I am going to start with one cuss word at a time until I work them all out of my mouth. Wish me luck!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Reflexes Like A Cat...

Tom's birthday was the 27th so on Monday we went out to celebrate. His parents watched Hannah and when we got home we chatted for a while before his mom left.

When she left the gate was up, I remember helping her with the gate and I remember I didn't shut it see where this is going.

I had Hannah in my arms and proceeded to the back to change her and then I came out to make her a bottle and put her to bed. I put her on the ground and walked into the Kitchen. I am standing there getting the bottle water warm and my memory comes back. I LEFT THE GATE OPEN!

I literally threw the bottle on the counter and took off running. I see Hannah at the very lip of the stairs. Mid-run I drop to my knee and slide into rescue her before she falls down the steps. Then once I had secured her in my arms I laid there in pain as surely my knee was now shattered. But I saved her and gave myself a heart attack all at the same time!

Don't ask me what possessed me to leave the gate up I don't ever do that. Thankfully I remembered the gate before she fell down the stairs and we spent the night in the hospital. Yikes!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Purse Meme

My Bestie tagged me days ago to do this meme, and I’m just now getting around to it.

What can you do?

So here are the rules:

1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today.

2. I want to know how much it cost :) And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it.

3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your diaper bag/non-diaper bag.”

Here we go!

1.) I am currently carrying around this spectacular Vera Bradley "Tweed" and the style is a Hobo. Hobo is my favorite style so I just about died when I saw it in a tweed.


2.) I bought it on sale, originally it was around $125 or so and I think I got it for around $75  (Of course I bought the wallet also featured in this picture)

3.) If your reading this consider yourself tagged!

Oh, and here’s the creator of this lovely purse meme. Why not head on over there and tell her if you chose to participate!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Just Can't Let It Go...

Now that I have had my little psycho venting session, I feel there is still something I can do. I don't know what but I really am feeling like suing this company for all the screwing with me they've done over the last six years.

I just can not wrap my mind around the way they can just screw over whomever they please and no one will stand up about it.

I am seriously considering talking with my manager's boss as Employee Relations advised me to do. Had her boss worked in our area I would have done so already but I am slightly nervous because she just recently became her boss and I have no history at all with her. Oh yeah and she is located in Chicago ahem, I am in Delaware. On the other hand I would hate to become a pain in the ass employee who gets shit-canned for opening her mouth.

I don't know what to do, I guess I could try being the complacently quiet employee that I usually am. This way they can continue to screw me over for another few years until I one day hopefully break free and transfer to a new department or a new company. If anyone has any good ideas for me or would like to know more, feel free to fire away the questions and ideas! Seriously I need some good advice!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

When Work Ethic Goes Out The Window

A strong work ethic used to count for something.

You used to be rewarded for a job well I right?

Apparently not at the company I work for. I have been here for six years and make well under what everyone else around me makes. I received a promotion in October and they informed me that my monetary increase would occur in February and my manager gave me a rough estimate of what my new salary would be. Ahem, fast forward to January and no such thing has occurred!

I did receive my annual pittance but it did not reflect my new title and job responsibilities. So I talked to my manager she was of no use, I talked to employee relations  no luck there either. I called my HRBP,  same song and dance...The economy.  I really don't care about the reasoning because they should have given me a raise in October and they shouldn't have posted a job if they didn't have the money to pay that person accordingly.

My manager even had nerve enough to tell me that anyone that made $60,000.00 or more did not get a raise. I guess I was supposed to feel sorry for them? I wanted to tell her that I didn't give a rat's a$$.

I am just really appalled at the way they promise things and never follow through, it is just wrong on so many levels.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Mystery of the Sippy-Cup

How in the world do you get your child to use a sippy cup? This is my great mystery currently. Hannah is not very cooperative when it comes to drinking from a sip-cup or holding her own bottle. I fear it is something I am doing wrong so if anyone out there has a clue on what is best to do I would love to hear it!

In other news it seems like for the past three months Hannah is spitting up constantly. The doctor didn't offer any help on how to get her to stop this so Tom and I decided to switch her formula to gentle and it still hasn't helped. Before she would never spit-up ever and now it seems that is all she does. I also bought a can of the "Next-Step" formula to see if that might help (Haven't given it to her yet). I am running out of  ideas on what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

When did everyone's child stop drinking formula? Hannah is 10 and 1/2 months old and she doesn't want her bottle any more. She will drink around four ounces in the morning but after that she will only drink one, two or three ounces every few hours during the day. I am telling myself she is full from her other foods but I know they are still supposed to be drinking formula so it makes me concerned. It seems like she decided on her own to be done with her formula.


I  have lost Thirty Pounds!  *Pats self on back!* I am so excited! I have really been working hard at the Y. Even though I didn't go yesterday I plan on making it up today. Yesterday it was cold and snowing so I didn't want to have to bundle Hannah up so that I could go to the Y.  I stayed home and  enjoyed the last day of pretending to be a stay at home mom!  :lol: 

Well after three days off of work it is back to the grindstone, argh. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Update on Uncle Butch

He is becoming responsive and is able to communicate by squeezing your hand or nodding his head. The doctors are planning on taking him of his ventilator soon!

Uncle Butch's Vehicle:


The other vehicle:


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just When Nothing Is Going On...

Please pray for my Uncle Butch. He was in an extremly bad car accident last week and is in really bad shape.

The accident was reported  here  in the first portion of the report. His name is Perle Avery.

Thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Not Much To Report...

Life has been pretty quiet around here as of late. My day consists of work and exercise depending on the day. I don't have too much time to myself lately so that I can enjoy my family.

My mom joined the Y with me, I am very proud of her!

Well guess I better get back to work and after that you guessed it...the Y! HA!