Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Week of K

Monday, Hannah and I went grocery shopping and to the mall. My last-ditch efforts to have absolutely everything done before going back to work.

Tuesday was back to work for me and school for Hannah. She brought keys for show and tell and made a snowman and a kite:

Thursday, Hannah brought a kitten for show and tell. She brought in class snack and got to be the "snack helper."

Friday was Tom's birthday, my Mom came home for the weekend from Shreveport and Amelia went to the doctor for possible thrush. Amelia did develop thrush because of the antibiotic I had taken the week prior. In 2 days it already looks like it's getting a lot better, thank God!

Amelia had her ears pierced Saturday and Hannah went to her cousin's cheer competition with my parents. Hannah wants to be a cheerleader "just like Mackie and Jordan!"

Today was church and I've decided Carter is going to take a hiatus from going. It's sad to say but he's too mean to be in Nursery. I need to come up with some game plan for him and until then he will stay home with Tom :(

The Week of J

This was the week of everyone having a cold and also my last week of freedom before returning to work.

Hannah's worst day from the cold was on Tuesday so she missed one day of school. Thursday she made it back and handed off take home teddy to a different kid in her class. She brought in her jewelry box for show and tell. And made these lovely crafts:

Amelia rocked out her bumpo this week, she thoroughly enjoyed it, can't you tell?:

Carter was sick but you would have never known it, he still had as much um, energy? As ever...

I drug myself to the hair salon Friday despite feeling like death. I finally had my bangs colored, I debated it all of last year but finally bit the bullet and did it. Hannah went with me and she had her hair cut into layers which was super cute!

Here is Hannie's hair, she asked me to curl it so she could be just like her cousin who has her hair curled for cheer competitions:

It snowed Saturday and my kids were extremely excited to go out in it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Week of I

Monday, Amelia had her two month check-up. Poor little thing had three shots and had to drink the liquid stuff for the rotovirus. She weighed 10 pounds 2 ounces and is 22.5 inches tall/long. She's doing really well, lifting her head, smiling, laughing etc. The shots were not so great. She was fine getting the shot but after she was home for a while and woke up from her nap, she was inconsolable. She wouldn't stop crying and it was a blood curdling cry. She wouldn't even nurse, so after an hour of giving it my best shot of calming her down to no avail, I gave her some Tylenol and about 20-30 minutes later she calmed down enough to eat and then go right back to sleep. I felt horrible for her and am not looking forward to reliving that in March.

I is a tough show and tell item to come up with and to combine that with things you have in your home. We ended up with icing and ice cream (a pretend cone from Han's kitchen). I briefly thought about sending my iPod, but Tom looked at me like I was nuts so that didn't fly. Hannah painted me a picture of snow and colored an iguana. They are also learning about the different types of weather in her class.

Carter is learing to talk more and his behavior is a tiny bit better. I don't think I get bitten as much as I did a few weeks ago; baby steps I suppose. He is a hoot with shoes and is CONSTANTLY wearing rain boots. If not his own boots he wears Hannah's. He also enjoys wearing her head bands which cracks me up. My Mom brought home head bands on her recent trip home from Shreveport. One night we had a headband fashion show:

Thursday, Hannah brought home "take home Teddy" from school. She got to bring the class mascot home for the weekend and then the parents write a journal post about their adventures.Tom was sick with a cold all week which then spread to the kids and I by Friday. I hate being sick, like really, really hate. Poor Teddy didn't have a very exciting weekend with us since we all stayed home with our cold germs. The highlight of Teddy's weekend was his Clorox wipe bath to keep from spreading our cold to the next kid.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Week of H

It was H week at Hannie's school. She made a headband and colored hippos. For show and tell she brought a horse Tuesday and a hamster Thursday. She was very glad to have started back to school after Christmas break.

Now that Tom is what I like to call, a deadly diabetic, we have made a 180 with the meals in our house. Tom gets really sick when his sugar gets too high and his sugar gets high very easily.  He has gone down three pant sizes and two shirt sizes due to his newly diagnosed diabetes. Luckily, I am an expert on how to eat (not that I always follow my own advice) and have got him on a super good diet. He's feeling better and not having any of the symptoms that he was feeling prior to the diet change.

I've lost 8 pounds this week thanks to the change and unfortunately his diabetes was just the push I needed to get my butt back in gear.

Aside from Hannah's school routine and grocery shopping we did a whole lot of nothing this week and that is perfectly fine with me!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Week of New Year's

Thankfully the week after Christmas was much, much quieter than the week before Christmas!

My Mom was home from Shreveport this week. It was so nice having her around, I'm ready for her to come home!

Tom and I went on a date New Year's Eve, for the first time ever we went out for New Years! Granted it was like 4:30 and we only ate dinner but I think that counts a little ;)

Sunday, we celebrated New Year's Day with Amelia's baptism! What a wonderful way to ring in the New Year. To make it even better my best friend had her son, Marcus, baptized along side of us.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Week of Christmas

The weekend before Christmas we had a get together with family for Carter's birthday. He had a lot of fun and opened a ton of toys. It was like pre-Christmas with all the cars he got!

The next day (12/18/11) we upgraded Carter to a toddler bed and moved Amelia into his crib. Of course in typical Carter fashion he managed to bang his head on the dis-assembled crib. He's a hard-head.

Real estate inside Tom and I's bedroom is now at a premium.

Monday, Carter had his two year check up. Our doctor removed the staples from his forehead from the incident a week prior. He is healthy as a horse and didn't receive any shots. He weighs 27 pounds and is 34.5 inches tall.

Later that day, I met with the OB for my six week check up. Everything is fine but the doctor did tell me that there is a one in a thousand chance of becoming pregnant again since I had a tubal. I don't really like those numbers and suggested to Tom that he get a vasectomy...he thinks not.

Tom went to the doctors Tuesday and was informed he had high blood pressure and after some lab work he also found out that he has super-out of control diabetes. He also discovered that he has lost 70 POUNDS!!!!...unfortunately this was due to the diabetes.

Wednesday, Tom and Hannah constructed a gingerbread house and later on I helped her decorate it. Carter was the taste tester of all the candy pieces that fell on the table during assembly. I'm convinced gingerbread houses were created to torture parents.

Hannah enjoyed her last day of school before Christmas break:

We celebrated Christmas Eve at church while Tom was working, this was my first time taking all three kids to church at one time.

Christmas was pretty laid back, opened presents, Tom's family came for a visit, Tom went to work and the kids and I headed to my brother's for supper.