Friday, August 31, 2007

Graduation Day (11 weeks 4 days)

Thursday was our last appointment with the Reproductive Endocrinologist and now we have "graduated" to my regular OB. It was kind of sad, I love everyone in that office and I won't see them again until I am pregnant again. This also ends my weekly ultrasounds, sniffle sniffle! On the other hand I will not miss my weekly copay of $30.00 and I no longer have to take progestrone! YAY!

The baby was sleeping and was not moving a muscle. The ultrasound chick at one point reached up and stabbed at my belly a few times to try to get the baby to move a little. That worked for about 2.2 seconds. It was so cute Tom, Mom and Mom-in-Law came to the appointment and my MIL is SOOO excited! My mom even said to me today, "Tom's mom is so cute she is so excited!" Mom also realized, "You know I'm never going to get to see your baby, I'll have to fight Tom's mom for it." She was joking of course but there maybe a little bit of truth to that statement.

Here is the pics of the baby and I don't want to hear anyone say it still looks like a blob. A blob would be furthest from the truth.




Thursday, August 30, 2007


I have a stinking head cold. The freakiest thing ever, it is only on the right side of my head/neck. Never had anything like it.

Nose is clogged and or snotty on the right nostril, right eye waters, right ear hurts, right side of neck hurts and my right side of my throat is sore! I think it is bizarre to say the least.

 This all started with  hellacious sinus headaches for about a week, maybe it is draining in the form of a cold. Either that or I have a sinus infection-on the right side.

Has anyone ever had this before?


My doctor said it seems like sinus congestion for right now and not a full blown infection. But if it goes untreated it will turn into a sinus infection so. I must use sea salt nasal spray for two days and try to flush out the congestion. Then I move on th Flonase nasal spray for two days and if that doesn't work I move onto amoxicillin until it clears up.

My solution to all of this was to fill the flonase and amoxicillin prescriptions today and immediately start taking both of them. I mean really, sea salt spray, get out of my town with that crap. I actually threw-up yesterday because I was so sick, then I immediately went to bed (around 6:00) and didn't wake up until 5:00 in the morning. I feel like death warmed over and sea spray is not going to cut it. Also I am drinking good old hot tea with honey and that makes my throat feels tons better.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Am So Proud!

My niece's first commercial:

[wpvideo ffwYSbMK w=400]

The commercial will air on the Style network (locally) seven times a day starting in September.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fun Times!

We had our annual barbecue this past Saturday, super fun! Although all day we all complained about how it was "hot as balls" out here and that surely we were going to die from the heat. All of a sudden the weather decided it wanted to be 98 freaking degrees and as humid as possible. But we made it through and had a lovely time. The barbecue is always my time to get caught up with the people I grew up with and Tom's family. 

Poor mom dehydrated herself (on accident, of course) and I think had heat exhaustion to go with it. She got horribly sick and ended up going home early, it was a real bummer. Every year we all look forward to the BBQ and mom practically does everything to get it ready and she was pretty upset that she got so sick.

"The boys," as I call them really scare the shit out of me sometimes. You just want to help them change their lives around but they don't want help, they seem to like the way they live just fine. That scares me even more.  It would appear that whoever was "less drunk" received the honor of driving home. Of course fancythisand I were really upset by this, but there is no talking to these boys, do you hear me, no talking to them! When I called Tom and told them what they did he said "They do it all the time." I was even more concerned, it's not like they are just endangering themselves but other people. A few times these boys would say something and I would give them the old you shouldn't do that because xyz... They really scare me, I hope they grow out of there wild and crazy behavior.

We had Tom's mom tell his side of the family that I am pregnant, it was so cute! His mom is super excited and she is hoping we have a girl! She was so cute, she looked over at me and said, "can I tell them now, I am about to explode!" I gave that a good chuckle and told her to go right ahead.

Sunday, we had a man come and give us an estimate for an addition. Holy smokes, it would cost a hell of a lot of money! We paid 157,000.00 for our house, by my calculations to complete the addition it would cost about 60-70,000.00 dollars total. That would mean I might as well just buy a new house, am I wrong? I about had a stroke and decided we should just wait and see how next year goes once we have the baby and everything. I don't want to feel like fools rush in and get financially stuck.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Finance Nazi

In our family I am the one that writes out the bills and takes care of any and all paperwork. Husband prefers it this way, sure we will have an occasional spat about me spending too much money but when I offer him the checkbook responsibility he is ducking and dodging. He knows the checkbook is a pain in the ass, quite frankly worrying about bills is a pain in the ass. My husband would also prefer I never ever put anything on either credit card. I totally and completely understand that but sometimes you just have to. Lately Tom has been on this pay off bills and don't use credit cards rampage. This is just fine by me. So you can imagine my surprise when he says, lets go to Rome, just put in on the credit card. Ummm...I don't think so. Rome is something we will be saving for next year as previously planned. Clearly my husband had lost his damn mind!

We have been planning to go to Italy to celebrate our ten years of being together four of which are the married years. We thought about this trip last year and I really didn't imagine being pregnant. So there is only one thing to do, pump milk for a week and ship our little baby off to his/her grandparents!  ;-)  No really I am being serious.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First OB Appointment! (10 weeks, 2 days)

Much to my surprise it was pretty much like having an annual. For those who don't know what an annual is, allow me to explain. Get a pap-smear, feel around on your uterus, leave. You are in and out of the actual exam in about two seconds.

I think I spent a half an hour filling out forms, did you know they ask you if you want your baby to have a social security number? I had to check yes and sign my name! I must be naive because I really thought everyone (from this country)  was automatically given a number, I thought that question was very odd.

They gave me a huge shopping bag full of free stuff and information, very neat, I can't wait to get home and look through it!

I also had blood drawn about seven vials and had to pee in a cup, I hope all that blood work comes back okay. I didn't even think to ask exactly what all they were checking.

So far so good! Next month we will get to listen to the babies heartbeat, how exciting!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nine Weeks Four Days

Here is the pics from Thursday that I have been too busy to post. I will warn you the baby is upside down and the angles look weird.


This is the backside of the baby, the white line towards the top is the spine.


At the very top are the feet and at the very bottom is the babies head.


The heartbeat a very good 179, doesn't that mean it is a girl?


In this pic I could swear I see a little face, Tom saw it too but said it was my imagination...interesting. Also the baby has his hand near his face like he's waving!

The baby was sooo active this week! He/she was moving around so much the tech could hardly do the measurements! The baby waved and did a little break dance while we were looking at him/her. It was so special and amazing, to think that all of that was going on inside of me and I had no clue until I saw it on the screen. It was just so awesome!

P.S. My hair has started to fall out, it is kind of freaking me out. It would be different if I had thick hair but my hair is fine/thin. Hopefully I don't start having bald patches!  ;-)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Friend or Foe?

As badly as I want to vent about friend(s) that get on my nerves here on the blog, I can't. I wish I could, I would feel a lot better getting it all out there, but I can't. You may be thinking to yourself why don't you talk to the person about it, we have, nothing changes. Their motto is "I am 'name' this is who I am." But lets just say I  have to be around this person, it's not like someone you know that you don't have to see that much, then you could just ignore them, this person you see day in and day out. There is no escape from the digs and negative projections that are afflicted on me every day. This "friend" can't see past the end of there own nose. I have talked to other friends about the issues at hand and they can see it too.  I  decided it is this cloud of negativity that upsets everyone's psyche which helps me to know that I am not alone!

My problem to in all of this is that I don't fight with my true friends. There is never an unkind word spoken to one another. They are your safe harbor the person that will always be there for you when things go bad and you are there for them, without judgement, without negativity. I wouldn't want a friend any other way. I want and need to have a sisterly relationship with my friends. I want to be able to have my friends in my life until the day I die. I don't want to fight and argue. I don't want to dread seeing them everyday. I want to be excited with their happiness. I am that way with all of my friends, but one.

I know that with my own self I never forget anything, however I will forgive if you ask for forgiveness. This person has never asked for forgiveness. They never say they are sorry if they hurt my feelings and half the time I don't think they even realize that they did something hurtful or rude towards me. But they do, every day, and it hurts.

There is no way to end this insanity, I just don't want to deal with them anymore. So today I told a friend about all the hurtful things that have been said to me and she confided to me the hurtful things they have done to her. I feel much better now. But I still don't want to be her friend.

Just as a little glimpse of a snide comment made to me while going through infertility treatments: "It is better to be like you and not be able to have children, than to miscarry and lose your baby."

Yes it is like that, everday. I bet you dollars to donuts this post comes back to bite me, but I really don't care!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Mistress

My oh so loving husband took me down to the Red Lobster last night! Isn't he the sweetest! I had a craving in the worst way for garlic shrimp scampi and snow crab legs! On the way there he says:

Tom: Where are your rings?

Me: I took them off when I got home.

Tom: Now it looks like I am taking my mistress to dinner!

Me: It happens.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Makayla Mondays

Let me preface this by saying that every Monday in the summer I go and pick my oldest niece up from daycare when I get off of work. Usually she will talk your ear off. Last week she asked my five hundred thousand questions. This week she sang songs and was fairly quiet. She sang a lovely rendition on Aqua's Barbie Girl song:

"I'm a boppie girl in a boppie world"

"It's in taffy, It's in taffy"

I didn't have the heart to tell her she was singing it ass-backwards, she was so proud of herself!

When we got home I made her a sandwich and she ate some cookies. Finally I was able to sit down with her (of course after I vacuumed the cookie crumbs of the couch). She likes to rough house with a few people me being one of them. I have however asked her repeatedly to stop jumping and hitting my belly, you see where this is going don't you. So we are sitting there and she starts to press on my belly. All of a sudden:

Mak: Did you hear that

Me: Hear what

Mak: It went meep

Me: What did?

Mak: I think it was your baby in your belly

Me: Is that because you were pressing on my belly?

(Insert child's evil grin)

Me: I told you if you keep doing that you might hurt her.

Mak: It's not a her! It's a boy, right Aunt Heather?

Me: We still have to wait to find out!


This child cracks me up!


This was taken today, she was very busy watching Nemo, no time for pictures!


This pic is from her birthday party a couple of months ago: Uncle Tom, Mak and Aunt Heather


Okay the past few weeks, I have been having nightmares that wake me from my sleep. They are very terrifying and on Saturday it woke me up in the middle of the night. My chest was pounding and my back was hurting. In the dream I was in a car accident, I was driving along with three other cars. I was the car that was second to the last we are all driving down the street and all of a sudden my car jerks to the side of the road and gives me whiplash. I twisted my back in the dream. When I woke up my back hurt.

I have been thinking a lot about this dream and I think it represents all of the pregnant people in my life right now.  All of them drove fine and dandy but my car crashed.

I had another nightmare last night that woke me up but it didn't scare me as much and I can't recall what it was about. However I was very scared and kept thinking someone was in the house when I woke. I think that was partly due to my fear of the unknown aka I am scared of the dark (sometimes).

Has anyone else had this nightmare problem? Or am I just a psycho, haha!

Excuse Me While I Wipe The Egg Of My Face...


Tom: (In a very cheerful voice) Guess what today is?

Me: Don't know, don't care.

Tom: Guess

Me: I don't know it's Sunday

(Tom gets quiet)

Me: What day is it?

Tom: It's nine weeks today!

And the award for worst wife of the year goes too...Me!

I was just a tad bit irritable yesterday and a little nauseous, in my defense.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Eliza Grace Design

Do you have a baby or you know someone who does? Well then you need to go check out Eliza Grace Design! Our fellow blogger is selling the most fantabulous items! She has tote bags, blankies, burp cloths and bibs! All super cute and super chic for the hip mama! So run on over and check her out, you know I did!

Here is a sample aka what I bought  ;-) 


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Throwback Thursday!


First up we've got my brother Chase and I not very old, I'll say maybe October or November of 1984:


I am thinking I am maybe 9 months old here?:


Lastly, here is me at Sylvan Springs in Missouri, I have no clue how old I am:


Check out more Throwbacks at Pinks and Blues!

Eight Weeks Four Days

Get your magnifying glass out folks, this ultrasound lady didn't zoom in so it is kinda hard to see:




If you look very closely you can make out a baby, the arm and leg buds are there and the head is at the top.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Ambivalence Anyone?

I had an appointment today to see a diabetes doctor I had never seen before. Of course I HATE going to the diabetes doctor. I long to be a "normal" person and having diabetes sucks the normalcy right out of life. It wasn't my first visit at the diabetes place but it was my first time being pregnant and going there. I am already dreading this whole visit and then I don't know what this doctor is going to be like, I am praying to just get this appointment over and go back to work. The doctor comes in and hardly even looks at me, he just keeps asking me questions and furiously writing in my chart. I thought that was odd, I have never had a doctor act so stand-offish before. Then he asks me this:

Doctor: Are you feeling ambivalent about being pregnant?

Me: (Long pause) What does that mean? Dreading it or something? If so definitely not!

Doctor: So you are going to keep the baby?

Me: Yes (thinking to myself, didn't we just talk about my infertility treatments and how I stopped going and got pregnant)

He kept answering everything I said with a calculating "Hmmm" like I was lying or not telling the whole truth. To be quite honest he made me feel like I didn't deserve to be pregnant because I have diabetes. I will never go back and see that man again. Needless to say when I went to make my next appointment they asked if I wanted to see the same doctor again, I immediately told the girl NO.

When he asked me if I was keeping my baby I wanted to say, "No, I think I'll just throw it in the river." Who the hell asks somebody that anyhow?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Seven Weeks Four Days

We had our third appointment today! It is amazing to see how fast the baby grows!

Without further ado:




The head is where the black circle is. The black circle is where the brain will be. The little nubs on the side of the body are where the arms and legs are forming.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

From Wretched to Awesome-O

That is how my day has gone! It was one thing after the other at work and then the girls decided to take me out to lunch at my favorite Jose's Border Cafe! Then I got home and Tom hands me a Vera Bradley gift bag and as if you couldn't guess what was Vera stuff!!! YAY!!! He had apparently planned this purchase because he stole my Vera card for a local gift shop out of my purse ahead of time! Isn't that the sweetest! So I am in a much better mood then earlier this morning!

Here is what he got me:

It is the Betsy and the Zip-Around Wallet in Mod Floral Pink! It feels like it's my birthday or something!

Are You F'ing Kidding Me!

I. Locked. My. Keys. In. The. Car!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mind was obviously stolen in the night, I forgot to take my medicine before I left the house and now I lock the keys in the car! If I had my keys I would get in the car and drive home, this will not be a very good day!

I am so pissed now I have to ask my husband to drive down here (I work like 45 minutes away from home)  and unlock my car! Perhaps I should bribe him with lunch!  ;-)

I may never hear the end of this one!