Saturday, September 29, 2007

New Pennsylvania Forum!

My brother, as some of you may know, runs a forum called TalkDelaware. Not too long ago he was given the opportunity to create another forum called TalkPA, for all the Pennsylvanians out there! It is an awesome website where you can go and learn more about the events in PA. It also has other discussions that are not technically "PA" related, but fun and interesting none the less. So if you are from PA or know someone that is spread the news!

Membership is free and you will get to meet some great people!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Man Am I Lazy!

I just realized that I have become a lazy sloth. Seriously. It happened sometime around four months ago. I don't want to cook, I don't want to clean. I just want to sit around and do nothing. Maybe I have realized that I will be doing this for the next forever and decided to give myself a break, who knows. What I do know is that looking around my house it is super cluttered! I mean really, I can't stand it any longer.

So I am going to try to get my ass in gear and clean the house and I mean clean the house. I do have a little incentive, the realtor is coming tomorrow! So off I go, vacuum in hand.


My ticker to the right says:

 "Baby has began urinating."

That's a pleasant thought, thank you for that.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Think Me Head Is Going To Explode!

I still have a "cold" which I have decided is my "morning sickness" for my second trimester. My head is like a faucet of mucus that just can't be turned off. The baby has re-programmed my body so that A) Nothing I take for it will work and B) I might throw up after taking anything that is "foreign," this includes sinus medicine.

I switched OB's yesterday, my first appointment isn't until next week! I am excited/terrified, it is always scary meeting new doctors. My old doctor called the Maternal and Fetal Medicine office and cancelled my ultrasound the same day I had my records switched. It seemed a little vindictive but I am sure it is all protocol. I was supposed to have an ultrasound Oct. 16th but now I am not sure what the new doctor will do. Hopefully she won't dilly-dally and I will have my ultrasound on or around the same day. I started taking the HB meds that the other OB prescribed for me and I felt like I was having a panic attack, my heart started racing and I couldn't breathe. Needless to say I stopped taking them.

We are most likely going to put our house on the market, I am nervous/excited. We will be meeting with a realtor on Saturday, I hope everything goes well.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Family Camping...

Tom and I headed down to Elk Neck State Park on Friday for our adventures in camping. It was coming close to being dark so we put the tent up and headed back to town to eat dinner at Woody's in North East, MD. Dinner was awesome! Tom had lobster tails and I had crab au grautin. We headed back to camp after dinner and created a fire, roasted marshmallows and went to bed.

We decided to leave the top off to get some air in the tent. Around 6:00 it started raining, we hopped out of bed and ran around the tent putting the top on, fun times. Of course I couldn't sleep because A) I was hungry and B) I still am sick and could hardly breathe out of my nose. I went to take a shower around 9:00 only to realize mid-shampoo that I forgot a towel. So I did the only thing I could do short of hiking back to the tent naked. I wore my clothes back to the tent without towel drying...lucky me. As by this point my stomach is eating itself I scoured the van for something to eat and found graham crackers. I went back to the tent and stared off into space until around 10:00 when I decided I will surely starve to death and that we must go find a Denny's. I woke Tom up and told him  I was hungry so he finally got up and showered. As we are driving back to town we see Mom, Dad and Mak pass us on the way to the campground so we turned back to go talk to them (no phone reception). Thank God they had Arbys and I finally was able to eat!

We spent the rest of the time setting up the rest of camp, playing on the playground and enjoying each other's company. Good times!

The campsite:

The view from behind the tent:

Our resident lizard:

Dad tearing down a rotten tree:

Tom assisting Mak on the monkey bars:

Friday, September 21, 2007

No, No, No...

I'm officially "High Risk," I suppose I technically always have been but I have officially been labeled as such.

Thursday was my monthly appointment with the OB, I was able to listen to the heartbeat (finally) for about half a second. Literally as soon as I was beginning to hear the heartbeat the doctor says can you hear it, I said yes and he took the machine off. Tom didn't even hear it so that was a bummer for both of us.

The doctor seemed very much like he was rushing us. I told him I had diabetes (couldn't remember if I told him last time) he immediately said he wants me on insulin. Just like that, he doesn't know what my sugars run, he apparently doesn't care what the diabetes doctor says, just you need to take insulin. Then I tried to explain how everything is going good with my sugars and they monitor my diabetes and thyroid and everything is going well. He says do you have thyroid problems? (Mind you that wasin my chart already) I said yes, I have hypo-thyroid. He said, OMG is there anything else you didn't tell me? I said, I did have high blood pressure but it has been fine so the doctor took me off my medicine. He said, You need to take medicine again, go to your doctor and get a prescription.

Can you believe this? This guy is really pushing the meds on me! He doesn't even know how my blood pressure and sugar readings have been going and he wants me on insulin and blood pressure pills, WTF! He said that my BP will get worse and so will the diabetes so I need to be on the meds now. He kind of seemed like he was bugging out. He also said that I have to have Level II ultrasounds once a month to check the babies size and the thyroid. 

While I am excited that I get to see the baby once a month, I am nervous about all the pills and tests, etc...

It seems to me that the doctor is pushing meds off on me and rushing through my appointments. I feel like I should switch doctors, but I am uncertain. I have no faith in the OB's they all seem to rush you or have some weird quirky thing. This is my third OB/GYN in nine years and I fear I may never find one I truly like! So if I don't switch soon I will def. switch after the baby.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What's Next!

Today my husband is going to the doctors because he thinks he has skin cancer. Yes, skin cancer, at age 24.

It runs in his family so there is a very real possibility that he could have it. So today I'll be worrying and praying everything turns out okay.


Everything turned out okay, no cancer.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday-Beauty


Dear Bat Shit Crazy,

I'm not doing this anymore, I'm no longer taking the high road. I've ignored what you do and how act for to long. You my enemy are bat shit crazy.

You are so delusion-ally jealous of me that it is sickening. I have never once done anything to you. For some reason you "hate me" and continuously spread your lies and false hoods about me. Contrary to your beliefs, I am not poor and you need to know that. I unlike you know how to pay my bills and manage my money. I never once have to ask for money from other people, unlike you.

We had a happy family before you came along, everything was fine. But you won't stop! This is getting out of control. The world does not revolve around you and hopefully one day you will realize this.

If I hear one more time that my name has come out of your mouth I will begin calling you and screaming at you like a psychopath. You know the same way you talk to my mother, apparently you think that is the appropriate way to address another person.

So you can continue to "hate me" Monday through Thursday because you need a babysitter Friday through Saturday. You are so fake. I hate you, I hate you, oh by the way can you watch my kids? What the fuck is that all about? Do you honestly in your heart think that the way you treat people is the way people should be treated? Do you? I don't and I'm sick of it.

So you need to keep your business to yourself if you don't want something to be read by other people.

I have not forgotten what you wrote about me on myspace to your friends. Not cool. Once again I can see it is your jealousy shining through. You disgust me. Don't call me, don't talk to me, don't look at me. You are not welcome around me.

I always wanted a sister, for some reason God put you in my life. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

I'm quite certain you will read this and I am glad, maybe you can share it with your friends and you can talk about me some more. Loser.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Damn You Diabetes!-Updated

Friday, I had my monthly appointment at the Diabetes doctor. They kindly informed me that my sugars look great and that I have really good control. In the next breath they tell me that I will soon be put on insulin since I am now in my second trimester. Of course the RE told me ten weeks ago, that insulin is a possibility for my future...I guess I was in denial! I have really good numbers so my brain can not focus on why I need to take insulin shots!

Every Monday and Thursday you have to fax or call in your blood sugar numbers. Yesterday I faxed them in and no one called all day! I had faxed them in around 8:00am and didn't hear anything. Tom and I went off on our errands after I got home from work so I missed there call. The lady wants me to call her back (Tues)  that she needs to talk to me! Ahhh! I just know it, this it, this is the insulin call! All night I kept rambling to Tom about not wanting to take insulin...whine, whine, whine.

So I called this morning and haven't heard anything back yet...the suspense is killing me!


I called the office again, cause' I'm a stalker like that! The lady said I need insulin in the morning, then she asked what my sugars were this morning and they were normal, as usual. Then she says well that is really good what are you eating? When I said a bagel with egg and cheese I was scolded because that is too much carbs in the morning. I now have to eat whole wheat bread with egg and cheese instead. They are going to see how my eating is controlling my sugars and then if they don't see an improvement they will go ahead with insulin. The lady kept going on about how she can't believe I'm not on insulin and that she was impressed because my numbers are so good. Woo hoo! No insulin for now! Excuse me while I pat myself on the back!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Well, There Goes Another Weekend!

Is it just me or is time flying? Saturday marked Tom and I's nine years of being together! Nine years people! That seems like forever but it feels like the blink of an eye. We didn't really do anything fancy or special. I watched my nieces Friday night and on Saturday morning we woke up at 7:00am. I was wondering where the husband was since he usually comes home around 7:00, it was so cute he strolls in the door with really pretty white with hot pink roses! I finished getting the girls ready since the oldest had cheerleading on Sat. morning and when their parents came and got them around 9:00 I wandered back to bed. I slept until 3:00! It felt great! I managed to sleep right through my eyebrow wax appointment and didn't even care. I could have stayed in bed all of the day!

Here is a pic of one of the roses:


Later that night my two best friends and I had plans to go to a benefit dinner at church that also had a silent auction as well as a live auction. That was super fun! Silent auctions really bring out the competive side of Laura, she stalked the item she wanted and refused to let anyone out bid her, it was hilarious! The suspense of a silent auction was really just going to be the death of us, we kept checking our watches waiting for 7:30 to come around so that we could breath easy. Of course we won our items. Woo Hoo!

Here is one of the items I won, it is the three wise men as sheeps! I just love them!


This is a quilt I got for my nieces to use when they come over. I have always loved Sunbonnet Sue and when I saw this I had to have it!  The back of it is big-bird yellow and the world's softest and fuzziest material.


Sunday I considered sleeping the day away but the pups were not having that. Molly and Callie were running back and forth and scratching at my side of the bed. I figuered I better get up so they don't piss on the floor. Not long after that my mom called so we hung out the rest of the day. Super fun! Mom, Dad, Grandma and I went shopping and tried out a new barbecue joint that was super good! Then some how the day was over and here I sit typing and doing laundry, wishing I didn't have to go to work tomorrow!  :-(

Friday, September 14, 2007

Maternity Clothes

I love em' they are soooo comfortable! I finally started wearing them this week, there was no way I could squeeze my growing belly into my normal pants any longer! My fitted shirts don't fit anymore either. So woohoo bring on the elastic-y goodness of that which is maternity!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Good and The Bad

The Good:

We had a great time at The Melting Pot! The food was really good and we weren't there too terribly long.

We got the "celebration package" which is balloons, fondue chocolate bars and your picture taken. I thought the picture turned out really cute. When I got home I looked at our last picture together from the Melting Pot, holy smokes we lost a good amount of weight!

Before (October 2006):


After (today) Tom has lost 50 pounds & I lost 40 pounds:


Surprisingly I haven't gained a single pound despite the fact that my clothes no longer fit me! (I read in a book that if you are already overweight you don't gain as much weight as skinny people)

The Bad:

1) We narrowly escaped I-95 in one piece! I was driving since Tom was sauced, we are just driving along minding our own business. All of a sudden this car charges into my lane about where the driver side door is! I had to hit the brakes and pull into the other lane to keep Tom's car from being creamed! I was terrified! Normally I am quick to lay on the horn, I was in shock or something because it took me a good two minutes to honk the damn horn. Of course I started to cry because my hormones have turned me into a crying mess because of the adrenaline. It was very scary and I probably would have been seriously injured had that jerk-off hit us going 70 mph hour.

2) Tom and I as some of you may know due not practice the same religion. He is catholic, I am baptist. He technically doesn't practice and claims to not even believe in Jesus. So I feel that our kid(s) will be raised Baptist seeings how I am the only one practicing my faith and have a relationship with God. Oh no, not in Tom's book, the kids are going to be raised Catholic. As you can imagine, I am not feeling this. It should be very interesting to see how this difference in opinion will pan out. I am sticking to my guns and I think he is too. Moral of this story: when your father tells you  (nine years ago) that you are unequally yoked, you might want to actually listen.

The religion thing is laughable at this point, I refuse to get bent out of shape but I would like to come to an agreement before we have kids to tend to. Argh.

3) I burnt my finger on the steam coming from the pot at the Melting Pot and it still is burning! When I reached towards the pot it burnt me really bad and Tom says "It couldn't have burnt you!" He then reaches his hand to the steam to prove his point! About two seconds later, "Holy shit that is really hot!" His face is cringed in pain and he is shaking his hand around like a moron. All I could do was laugh, tears were streaming down my face, that was the dumbest thing I have ever witnessed.


I just am having a wonderful day today. For no reason in particular,  I'm just feeling very happy.

It's very refreshing.

I had an awesome night last night, hanging out with one of my bestess friends. It is so nice to spend time with a true honest and genuine person.

Today Tom and I are going to, dare I say, the Melting Pot tonight! YAY! We are celebrating the end of my first trimester and the beginning of the second. (I know we're such dorks)

I am super excited! I get to hear the baby's heartbeat next Thursday (the 20th) YAY! I know I saw the heart beating on the ultrasound screen, but I really want to hear it!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Darn MEME's

"Mark Alan" over at Idle Ramblings of a Slightly Mad Man tagged with this here meme. 

These are the “official” rules (I cut and pasted):

  1. Players must list one fact, word, or tidbit that is somehow relevant to their life for each letter of your first or middle name.

  2. When you are tagged you need to write your own post containing your first or middle name game facts, word, or tidbit.

  3. At the end of your post choose one person for each letter of your name to tag.

  4. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them that they have been tagged, and to read your blog.

  5. If I’ve tagged YOU (see below), please join in on the fun!

Okay - here’s my info: Heddy (okay I am cheating and using a nickname, so sue me)

H - Hopeful.  That everything in life works out in a favorable manner.

E- Ecstatic. That I am pregnant, do I need to say more?

D - Daughter. To the the best parents a girl could ask for.

D - Determined. To change something that I can not yet reveal at this point in time.

Y-Yowser. Okay really who can think of a description with the letter Y. Seriously.

Now who I have tagged





Clothing Pet Peeves (MEME)

I’ve been tagged by GirlyMama for a clothing meme.  Here is my list of clothing pet peeves:

1) Clothing that is too tight, I mean seriously if you are getting heavier (or are pregnant) you need to buy some looser fitting clothes. You are only fooling yourself.

2) Clothing that is too loose. Why would you do this to yourself? You should try not to look sloppy if at all possible. Buy some smaller clothes already.

3) Black bra and white shirt do not equal a fashion statement. (well it's a statement but not one I want to give!)

4) I do not want to see the top of your thong. While at work especially, we are supposed to be business professionals. Professional being the key word.

5) What the hell is with all this 80's clothing and any other era that we seem to be stuck on replay with. These designers really need to try and have more original designs, I'm just saying.

Okay, now it’s your turn.  Share.  What are your clothing pet peeves???  I tag anyone else who wants to play!

Monday, September 10, 2007


I have noticed that some people don't eat pork. They eat all the other meats but not pork. I think it is odd  but to each his own.

I got to thinking about the cafeteria at work. They deep fry all the breakfast meats in the same oil that they deep fry the french fries, onion rings and sweet potato fries. So all the people that don't eat pork are still being contaminated. The bacon, pork sausage, turkey sausage, scrabble and chicken fingers are fried in the same oil as hashbrown patties,  french fries, onion rings and sweet potato fries. So if you didn't eat pork, would you be offended by the cross-contaminates? If eating pork makes you sick would this make you sick? The answer is no.

I am a people watcher and am quite conviced the anti-porks haven't even realized the contamination. They also don't seem to care that the same griddle that everyone else's food was grilled on also grilled there pork-free food.

I find this very interesting and leads me to believe people are full of shit.  :roll:


In the beginning of August I was fixing a paper jam in the copy machine at work. Once I was finished and back at my desk I realized the stone had fallen out of my ring. I told the secretary and she had the copy repairman come down to take apart the machine so I could get my stone back. I successfully located the stone and took the ring to be repaired at Littmans Jewelers.

I finally drug myself to the mall this Friday to pick my ring up. The ring looked beautiful, the stone was back where it belonged and the ring looked all shiny and polished. As the guy is ringing up my bill I notice and blurt out, "The diamonds are missing in the middle underneath the amethyst!" The ring is very unique, IMO, it is a huge amethyst that is set high and underneath the amethyst is a row of diamonds probably about seven or more. I guess when they put the amethyst back in place they knocked one or two of the little diamonds out. They are supposed to fix and it should be ready today. I am SO glad I caught that before I walked out of the store! This also lead me to wonder, how in the hell did you not see the diamonds missing from the row? I mean you are working that closely with the ring and don't even notice that you knocked the diamonds out? Craziness!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Feeling Much Better Now!

Well I am finally getting over this horrible plague that I surely thought I was going to die cold. I had a lovely weekend of laying around feeling my very best and trying to not curl up in a ball and die. It was that bad!

It really sucked too, beings it was a holiday weekend and everyone was out having a jolly ole time and I was laying on the couch/in the bed convinced I was dying from some unknown illness. Oh that's right just a cold, not the plague.

I still sound like some strange man/frog combination but I am not near as bad as I was this weekend. I might just be in the clear, knock on wood.

Tuesday I called my Mom to let her know that I was home and that I didn't go to work:

Me: Mom

Mom: Sorry you have the wrong number


Mom: Who are you calling? (With irritation in her voice)


Mom: Who is this?

Me: Mom it is me Heather

Mom: Oh, you sound like shit

Followed by fits of laughter.

It's pretty bad when your own mother doesn't recognize your man/frog voice!