Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's A Girl!


Look closely to the picture above. The baby is blowing bubbles!


Monday, October 29, 2007

The Halfway Mark!

YAY! I am half way through my pregnancy! Time is really flying and I can't believe it is twenty weeks already! Woo-Hoo!

I really just can't wait to have the baby just to hold him/her. I will feel much better (mentally) when the baby is born and in my arms.

Tuesday I have an ultrasound so hopefully I will know if it is a him or her.

Here is the awful ultrasound pic from when I was seventeen weeks: (it is really hard to see anything)


Sunday, October 28, 2007

This Is Why I Love Him...

Today there was a parade on Main Street in the town of Newark. My eldest niece was in it, but I wanted to stay home and not freeze my ass off so I stayed home. I called my mother later in the day to see how everything went. The proud grandmother that she is went on about my niece and how cute she was in the parade, I can't wait to see the pictures!

Then she tells me about my dad...

There was, for some reason that I have yet to grasp, a political demonstration of sorts in the parade. Mom said there was three people dressed up, one was Bush, one was Cheney and one was Condoleezza. They were chained together in prison shackles and had war crime and other things written on there back. Apparently they were booing and my dad yells: "And boo to you too!" and the boo-er yells back "What did you say" and my dad yells back "I hope you trip!" Now I would have paid to seen this, I probably would have pissed my pants laughing. Why they had this demonstration of sorts in a family parade, I will never know. But don't be surprised to find that a republican will take offense and say something to you. Hell, I was offended. But when my mom proceeded to say that the democrats were handing out candy and dad refused to take it, I lost it! His exact words were I won't eat this "damn democratic candy." I was literally laughing for a good five minutes. I am so much like my dad it is scary.

Pregnant Emotional Train-Wreck

Lately I have had this weird sadness going on. I am going to blame this strictly on my pregnancy hormones. Really anything could set me off into a crying fit. Yes, it is THAT bad.

 My latest crying fit was today when Tom jokingly(?) said that the boy name we agreed on was "gay" and he was re-thinking it. This resulted in instant tears that lasted into a half hour of my crying. WTF. Now I know Tom was joking (?) but for some reason I had to cry about it anyway.

I then proceeded to dig myself further into a hole when I told him he is a control freak and never lets me do anything. That is totally and completely untrue statement but I was busy crying and having a fit like a toddler. Anyone that knows us knows that Tom gives me everything (except a cat) and that statement was completely false.

So that begs me to ask the question of why am I acting this way? I can come up with one reason. Hormones.

Saturday, I started crying, I was so sure that something is/was wrong with the baby. I don't feel the baby move ever and in my head this resulted into something being wrong. I had no logical explanation for feeling this way, I was just being completely irrational. Thus I say again, Hormones.

Another thing weighing on my mind, my best friends husband being deployed. I am not particularly close to him, but for some reason the thought of him leaving makes me very sad. I think I just don't want my friend to have to deal with this and I hate not being able to "fix" this. I also feel at a loss for words when talking to her about it because I have never went through it myself. She is the strong wise one, I am the crying mess one. Now the tables have turned.

Right now even I feel a little weepy. No reason in particular, I guess I just like to cry?! Or maybe having a baby makes you act like a baby? Interesting.

In other news, the chick at work who has been out all week, is officially on leave of absence. As I predicted. I will go on further to predict she will come back sometime before I have the baby, maybe February.

Friday, October 26, 2007


I'm at work talking about how I still want a cat but Tom keeps vetoing me and then like the voice of God...

"Heather, I have kittens you can have, we have two left."

 AHAHAHAHA! I want one!

So, Tom, can we have one! PLEASE!!!!!!! It was just my birthday and I am having your baby, doesn't that count for something?

I promise to be good!


Look how cute they are!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Christmas Shopping

I am very excited to go Christmas Shopping! Is anyone else feeling this way?

What I really can't wait to do is when my two best friends and I go shopping in Lancaster, PA. We try to make it up there every year to go shopping together, I am stoked!

Does anyone have a shopping tradition they usually do?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wordless Wednesday



It's The Little Things

Remember when I was all upset about not getting that job I applied for. Well...it was probably for the best.

Friday my co-worker had a nervous breakdown, seriously. She had an appointment with her therapist in the middle of the work day and I don't know what happened but she came back to work afterwards. All of a sudden she starts hysterically bawling, hyperventilating, the whole nine. My manager told her to go home so she could deal with whatever happened. That was Friday, she still has not come back to work?!?! We share the same function, so you put the two of us together and all the work gets done, you follow. Take her away now there is too much work for one person (I would be the one person) well now that we have a new boss (i.e. the girl who got the job I applied for) she gets all the "extra work."  This means I just saved myself from doing all the work, like last time when home-girl had a issue and went out on leave and I did everything for that particular function. Muhuwahaha, sometimes things just have a way of panning out.

If home-girl isn't back to work by Monday then she will probably be taking a mental leave of absence and then all her work will continue to go to the other girl.

Please note the chick having the nervous breakdown is one of those people who freak and worry about everything! As soon as I announced to the team that I am pregnant she comes up to me to begin discussing the logistics of my going out on leave in March! March people, as this point in time it was still July I believe. I hope she gets out of her funk but she brings all of this stress on herself, she needs to take it down about 20 notches.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What To Do, What To Do


Have I ever mentioned how much I hate work? Just getting up in the morning to come here makes me want to cry. I think I can't handle it, I am not afraid to admit this. I am not a person that should work or at-least not for this company. Every day getting out of bed is a chore. I would LOVE to be able to be a stay at home wife and the house would sparkle and the yard would be perfect and dinner would be hot off the stove every night! I would just love it, that is my dream. I don't want to bust my balls working for nothing and feel like I have nothing to show for it. I am sure other people feel this way too, it is very sad. I need to at-least make it to June of next year that way I will be vested in my pension and that will give me something to get out of bed for, I guess. I just have this hatred in my heart when I come here. It is hard to explain, I just hate it. I hate being around these fake people. I hate this shitty job. I hate my desk. I hate everything that entails a day at work.

Here is my plan: Trudge through until June. In the meantime, start paying off bills like crazy and saving money. Then come June I might be able to say F-this job. Then I can go work part-time at a flower shop or not work at all. Either would be fine with me. We'll see, until then I'll try not to have a breakdown of some sort.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Thank You Guys!

I love you both very much! Even when we take a horrific picture together, lmao!



Friday, October 19, 2007


I really, really, really want a cat. Isn't that craziness? I miss how loving cats are and how they curl up next to you in the bed or on the couch. The best part they don't lick your face and you don't have to take them outside to use the bathroom.

I have mentioned it a few times to Tom but he is not jumping on my cat train. He clearly never had a good cat experience like I did.

I even found the cutest cat for adoption at PetSmart. I didn't get to look long because Tom someone was rushing me away from the glass. Humph. So no cat for me, but, maybe I can convince Tom to want one too!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

iPod Case from Vera Bradley

I noticed that Vera Bradley had a case but was only made to fit the older style Nano. Then I kept looking on the website to see if they had anything I could put my iPod in. Eureka! They have the "tech case,"it holds iPods, cameras, etc. I went to the mall after work and found it, I love it! It fits the iPod Classic perfectly!

So all you other iPodders go out there and get yours!

Exhibit A) 


Exhibit B)


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Hate This...

Diabetes that is, I am starting to feel like a food prisoner! I went to the diabetes doctor on Friday and they increased my bedtime insulin, they also said I had ketones in my urine. Ketones are bad for the baby because instead of getting energy from food, the baby is using my fat for energy or something like that. They want me to eat a bedtime snack so that my sugars won't be as high in the morning. So meanwhile, I am trying to juggle eating enough, eating the right things and all the while keeping my blood sugars in control. This is impossible! The placenta wreaks havoc on your sugar control and I think I am officially in the stage where it is beyond my control. My sugars seem to constantly be high, no matter what I do. It is very frustrating. Especially because you are not supposed to eat/drink artificial sweeteners while pregnant and no caffeine while pregnant. So your food options are getting even more limited. I think they might put me on a lunchtime insulin when I fax my numbers in tomorrow or at-least that is my prediction.

In other pregnancy news, my ultrasound that was originally scheduled for October 16th is now re-scheduled to October 30th. I had to re-schedule because I switched doctors and everything got all screwy. So hopefully we will find out what the baby is and how he/she is doing.

Friday, October 12, 2007


I know I may have bad mouthed the cost of the new collection here, but....I love this pattern!!!

Yes folks, I'm talking about those Vera Bradley purses that I love so much!!! I was looking on-line today and stumbled across this pattern I have never seen before. I just love it with its rosie goodness, how could you not?

My lovely mother gave me a super cute bag for my birthday!

It is a Limited Edition Holly Sateen:


Isn't it beautiful!

In other present related news, Tom the wonderful husband that he is bought me an iPod. (Because I can't let Fancythis out do me!  ;-) )I haven't yet tinkered around with it. I am excited that I will be using it at work and can become a hermit from the co-workers that are just so damn annoying. Hallelujah!

In unrelated news, my dogs, sweet little Molly and Callie, are annoying the shit out of me! They have been acting very bonkers lately. Molly who has never done this in her life, has started jumping on the backs of my legs, wtf. I almost fell over today because she did it like ten times. Callie has taken to sitting around me, constantly, and proceeding to cry, whimper, lick my foot, hang on the side of the couch, etc. I really just want the both of them to go away for two seconds. They don't stop until we go to bed. Seriously, they are like this from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed, obnoxious.

Back In Action!

My home computer is fixed hallelujah!

What The Fudge...

Ok so I have had about four meltdowns today and almost cussed out a lady from the legal department.

Then I knocked the chip off my shoulder and got over myself.

Seriously, I am ruining my birthday with my crying and being angry about shit I can't change.

I am off to go put my big girl britches on now!

Happy Birthday To Me.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Must Not Cry...

I didn't get the job I applied for.

It was within my department but a step up. My boss really made me think I would get it, when I talked to her about it she said she had me in mind for the job, etc, etc. Then I had my interview last week and she still  seemed like she was going to hire me.

Then today they announced they hired a different person that does not  deserve it!

My boss told me it was between three people and we were all equally qualified so they picked the person that has been here the longest. What a cop out! Apparently personality and work ethic count for nothing.

I wish I could quit but I can't, after I have the baby I will be looking elsewhere.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

2nd Appt.

Went yesterday to have my exam and meet the new doctor! Unfortunately she was running about 2 and a half hours behind schedule. I thought I was going to scream sitting there that long.

I was pleasantly surprised when she showed up in my exam room (I had been waiting in there about an hour and a half) and found out they were going to give me an ultrasound! They even did my ultrasound on top of my belly! The baby was wiggling around and it looked like he/she was sucking a thumb. Couldn't tell the sex though because the baby was relaxing with his/her feet crossed at the ankle.

Everything looks good, the baby and I both!

(Happy Anniversary Tom, three years down, 80+ to go  ;-) )

My Computer Hates Me!

My home computer has been taken over with viruses/adware/spyware so until that is fixed I will be pretty quiet on the blog front...or atleast when I'm home.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

First Appt.

Thursday was my first appointment with the new OB! I haven't met the doctor yet, I saw the nurse, she was very nice. Tom and I filled out fifty bazillion forms and talked to the nurse for like an hour.

She was very informative and a refreshing change of pace from the other doctors office who never told me half of the stuff the new doctor's office told me.

The nurse also told me that due to my "health issues" there is a possibility that I will be induced a week before my due date to ensure that my doctor will be there to deliver.

Tom cracks me up, he took tips from the movie "Knocked Up" and asked how many doctors do they have on call, in-case my doctor is not available. I almost died laughing right then because I knew he got that from the movie! They have 8 or 9 but she ensured us the doctor always tries to deliver her own patients.

I will meet the doctor on Monday so I hope I like her as much as I liked her nurse!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The View To My Right...(Warning this is just 300 words of me bitching and complaining)



The top two lovely pictures are from the bedroom windows.


This equally lovely photo is looking out my backdoor window.

I don't think I have mentioned it but they built a ridiculously humongous building on top of next to our house. They had a whole acre to build on but chose to put this building right on top of the property boundaries. Mr. Mulch The owner of this property, just goes about his merry way while I have an elephant of a building next to me.

So far we have caught them driving there equipment through our yard. When Tom said something to them, they assured him they would take care of it, blah, blah, blah, they didn't want to mess up the curb they installed. So instead of "messing up there curb" they'll just turf our grass, seems fair, right? Then we noticed that a couple of the trees in the back had been cut down! I am quite certain the trees were on our side of the line. I wouldn't have had a problem with this had they asked if the trees could be cut down, they didn't. Then I noticed that they are installing lights that will shine directly into our bedroom window! They let there construction trash and debris blow all over our yard! Enough is enough already!  

So here is my plan, find out where this guy lives, dump all of my trash in his yard and set up a spotlight to shine in his bedroom window. The cherry on top, I will set up a jack hammer to constantly be making noise while he is enjoying his leisure time. Did I mention they work weekends too?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lets Get Our Comment On...

 The Great Mofo Delurk 2007

It's de-lurking day!

Seriously, there is no way I have 115 looks yesterday and six comments. I am noticing a slight imbalance. Clearly the masses love my neurotic ramblings but are too afraid to comment. We'll it's time to leave a comment MOFO's.

I need the comments, I love the comments.

You wouldn't want to make me cry would you?

*To read more about de-lurking days stroll on over to Pink and Blue Girls!

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Walls Are Closing In On Me...

Okay so I am being a tad dramatic.

  • I am officially going on insulin today.

  • I have a job interview this week.

  • I need to have my house re-zoned to commercial in order to make a substantial profit.

  • My head is throbbing.

  • I meet my new OB this week.

Have I mentioned I don't like a lot of things going on at one time? Makes me just a tad frazzled.

Mundane Monday

You Are An ISTJ

The Duty FulfillerYou are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings.Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy.In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.

For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.

You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical

What's Your Personality Type?

Your Worry Factor is 6%

You hardly ever worry. In fact, you often feel like you don't have a care in the world.
It's not that your life is magically easy. You just don't dwell on worse case scenarios.
You figure that you'll be able to handle whatever life throws at you.
No use worrying about what could go wrong, especially when so much is going right!

Do You Worry Too Much?

You Are a Believer

You definitely believe in God - and you're very unwavering in your religious beliefs.
In fact, religion and spirituality are definitely big parts of your life.
Religion shapes how you view right and wrong, as well as the decisions you make.
It's hard for you to imagine how your life would be without your beliefs.

Are You an Atheist, Agnostic or a Believer?

You Are 12% Bipolar

You're so stable, people wonder if you're really human.
You totally have your emotions under control - and know how to deal with life's ups and downs.

Are You Bipolar?

Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant Garde

You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog.
You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head.
Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent.
You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content.