Friday, November 28, 2014

Wow, It's Practically December.

Thanksgiving without family was strange and yet good. One of my best friends asked me how my Thanksgiving went and I told her: I cooked, the kids played video games and Tom napped the majority of the day so he could go to work for 12 hours at 5:30; so yeah it's pretty much how Norman Rockwell portrayed it.

To add to our talents we spent the ENTIRE DAY in pajamas...heaven.

Working Black Friday is the pits. Pits I tell you. It's such a tease to have off that one day and then the next day you should be shopping or decorating for Christmas. I'm pretty sure this is a law somewhere.


I worked and got home a touch early, grabbed dinner and then headed out to get a Christmas Tree before Tom went to work. We had enough time to get the tree in the stand before he needed to leave.

Alas, the day was not a total loss.

It's now time for me to relax and stare at my gorg Christmas tree which has the heavenly smell of Christmas pouring from it's branches. Oh hark, my tree's trunk is as crooked as a dog's hind leg...this is totally typical for my life.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The pictures

Hannie was awarded "responsible student" she was nominated by her teacher for her excellent behavior...this girl is amazing. 

We spent a chilly afternoon on the soccer field for the last game of the season. Our team won 3-2 ironically the 2 goals for the other team were kicked in by our team...the fun of PreK through 1st grade sports. 

Amelia is my new night time buddy. She's going through the splendid phase of not sleeping, yay! (Said no parent ever) 

And why must boys do this to their pants...constant. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

evaluation station

This week has been quite the week.

Tuesday, I was looking forward to a day off from work and getting Carter's psych evaluation out of the way. As luck would have it Tom and I developed food poisoning from a bad batch of milk and it lasted until Wednesday, ugh. We persevered on and took our sweet boy out to his appointment and I may have taken a nap in the waiting room while he did his alone portion of the eval. We don't know anything from this appt. but we will learn more when we return for a follow up on Nov. 19th.

Wednesday, I stayed home from work due to above food poisoning incident which I didn't realize of course that it was milk until I had two more servings. I thought I'd have a lovely day of relaxation and  resting while the poison got out of my system. Then the roofers came and installed a roof...all day long.

Today, I took a half day from work to continue with evaluations. This time through the school district for Carter's IEP. He had a speech eval and then met with the occupational therapist. He was by himself for both evaluations but I did get to speak with the occupational therapist at the end because she had more questions for me about Carter. I was interested to find out that there is a term for Carter's behavior and admittedly it made me cry when I came home and read more into it. She mentioned his behavior suggested he may have Proprioceptive Dysfunction. If you know Carter you will read that article in the link and say to yourself "Holy Shit, he does all of these things!" With this new bit of information I'm now wondering what is next for my boy? What does this mean for him?

As if we don't have enough going on in life I attended "Leadership Orientation" for Girl Scouts. I'm really trying to push myself out of my comfort zone.