Thursday, December 8, 2011

2nd week of December

Monday, Amelia had her one month check-up. She is doing really good with her head control and has started smiling. No issues or concerns which is always a good thing! She weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long. We also had family pictures done and that was a debacle but at least I have my Christmas cards ordered.

Tuesday, Hannah brought home a glitter paper bell ornament for the tree and a construction paper christmas tree from school. She is still practicing for her school program and made Tom and I a present that she was able to gift wrap.

We've decided to stop giving Carter juice in order to help his behavior. In hopes the lack of sugary juices would prevent a sugar high. His new favorite thing when receiving discipline is to laugh at you afterwards. It's been super fun at our house lately as you can imagine.

Tuesday afternoon we took the kids to see Santa. They all did very well sitting still for the picture, praise God!!!

Now we're just finishing up shopping and all those little things you try to get done before Christmas catches up to you!


1 comment:

  1. DUDE! can we talk about the fact that Hannah looks JUST LIKE YOU?!?!?!? holy smokes!
    also - can't believe that Amelia is a month old already. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!??!?!?!?
