Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This is really getting ridiculous for me. I want to go to church I (literally) need to go to church but I haven't quite made my want connect with going. I don't have an excuse for not going other than being tired and don't forget lazy. I guess too I kind of feel like I am in a church gray area. I quit going to my one church (that I am a member of) about four years ago (it is Baptist) and occasionally I will go to my BF's church which is Presbyterian. I know a fair amount of people at the church, I like the Pastor, I like the church atmosphere over all so I really don't know why it is that I just don't go!

Something (I'm going to go with God on this one) has made me feel even more than normal that I need to go, like right this instant drive in the car and get your behind in a pew. I think this Sunday just might be the day for me.

I am having a HORRENDOUS month this past month and I really got to my wits end last week after work when I cried as soon as I sat down in my car and then the whole way home and even then for like the rest of the night. I know craziness. But it was all for a good reason that I would rather not discuss right now because I don't know how this will all pan out in the end. But it isn't just work I suppose it feels like everything as of late and I swear if I get another medical bill in the mail I just may scream! Every time I think I am going to get one paid off I get another one. It's craziness! So I guess that might also explain why I haven't been able to blog quite as much as normal.

But seriously, I am going to church this Sunday! I have to, my heart needs it more than ever!

Please pray for me! (Seriously)


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still blog-stalking you and that your little "banana" and my "little gal" would be in nursery together - actually this Sunday I'm the room leader for their room for the 9:15am service. It would be great to see you again!

  2. Church is a good. Since we moved to Texas I have been struggling with missing family, more pressure at work & actually trying to be a mom again (traveling for 1 year, you forget how to balance things).
    We were lucky enough to find a church that the girls absolutely love, John & I have started going to Sunday School (I hadn't been to Sunday School since I was little).

    Its amazing how much that 1 dose of the Holy Ghost can help you get thru the week & some churches even offer a Wednesday night service for those really bad weeks.

    Hang in there!

  3. It took us 6 months to go back to church after Luke was born. You'll make it!

  4. I think you need God, right where you are, not a 'church fix' like it's heroin. God is with you always. Right now. Right where you are. Have worship with Him yourself (no program) in the privacy of your own home, and see if He doesn't meet you there.

    I know 'church going' is great for socializing and now and then you get to 'feel' the presence of God, but if He is all the things He actually says He is, then He's closer than your next breath!

    Is God really GOD for you? Or is 'church going' just a means to help you tolerate your life? The life He gave you to know Him in your innermost parts, and to know the power of His life and the power of His resurrection?

    Maybe I haven't sounded very nice. Sorry. I don't mean to be sounding so critical, but from personal experience I know He WILL meet you right where you are. You simply do not need to agonize about getting to a church. The Organized church system does not have the power of God. God has the power of God. Jesus came that you may be free, even from this agonizing about going to a church.

    THE CHURCH, the true Church/Body of Christ is a body of believers, not necessarily congregated together, but scattered in all their own places through out the world, that KNOW HIM intimately and hear Him and move in the Spirit as a leaf in the wind, performing His will. By the power of the Holy Ghost they rise above circumstances and the power of Christ IN THEM walks through life's circumstances as simply as Jesus walked on the water!

    It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me!
    Christ in you, the Hope of Glory!

    He is in you. A church isn't. He has the power to transform you into His likeness, a church does not have this power. At this moment I am experiencing a supernatural power working in me to rise above a natural circumstance of my own. There is absolutely no human way possible for me to be doing this myself! It is His life in me. No church can give you that.

    See if God is who He says He is. Jesus alone is your mediator to God, not a Pastor. Speak to Him, call on Him, pray to Him your heart and all your concerns, your praises and hallelujahs. See if He will hear you and answer you. I know He will.

    Yes thank you for your expertise as you know my relationship with the Lord.

    Having the Lord in your heart and praying to him is one thing but sometimes you just need to hear a sermon and be around people that also believe in the Lord.

  5. Done. And if there is anything else I can do for you just ask. Although since we've never met in real life I guess that's not much but you know what I mean.


  6. So I'll see you tomorrow morning then? ;)
