Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Callie Monkey

Born January 10th 2003 and passed away February 16th 2009.

Yesterday quite unexpectedly Tom and I had to make the decision to put our dog down. She was our younger dog and within the past week or so seemed to have become very sick. I honestly thought she had a bladder infection or something that would just require some medicine and then she would be fine. So I called the vet yesterday and made an appointment to bring her in and have her checked out. The doctor did an X-ray and blood work as well as a physical exam. Just looking at her there was no visible reason as to why she was SO sick. The blood work told everything.

Her kidney level was extremely high, the normal range was 6-27 and she was 130. The doctor said that he had never been able to successfully cure a dog when the kidney's were that bad. Essentially her body was shutting down and her kidney's were failing. Our possible options to help her would have been the dog form of dialysis but that her levels were so high the damage was done and that it was extremely unlikely she would recover and the second option was to put her down. Of course we could only do what was best for her and that was to put her down, the doctor agreed that he would have done the same thing if it had been his dog.

The reason's why she would have been so sick would have been from Lyme's disease, drinking anti-freeze or a birth defect and I can honestly say it had to have been a birth defect.  There is no doubt in my mind, the dog had always seemed a tad bit off all of her life and I think when you look back on things you see what you couldn't see before.

I am just in shock over this still, she was so a sweet dog and laid back. She was very kind to Hannah and my nieces and never bit them or snipped at them. Just a sweet little docile dog.


(She didn't really have anything wrong with her eye, she just never liked the flash)


  1. it's just awful!!!! I'm still and shock and so very, very sorry!

  2. What a terrible thing. I am so sorry.

  3. I also had one of my dogs to the vet on Monday. A week before she was in for her yearly exam and shots. Within days she gradually lost control on her right side. The vet thinks it may be a reaction to the vaccines or neurological. For now we are doing steroids for the reaction and antibiotics in case it is Lyme disease. We are waiting to see if she improves before making "the" decision. It is so hard because animals give unconditional love. So sorry about your dog.

  4. Honey! I'm sorry to hear that...

    My aunt's dog (Max) just pasted on the 9th he was only nine...
    We don't know why he passed, he looked fine too... We thought he'd out live the younger one...

  5. We lost our dog on Feb. 27 possibly from a brain lesion. So heartbreaking to watch her deteriorate over the last 3 weeks. I couldn't watch her suffer anymore and made that decision. We were with her till the end and said our goodbyes.

    Dakota 12-2-04 to 2- 27- 09 RIP

    I am so sorry for your loss.
