Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day Five

Well it's day five of the fast.

Things are not going well in my opinion. I have been extremely strict with my diet, no cheating what so ever not even an occasional piece of small candy.  I have successfully gained two pounds, oh wait that's right I am supposed to be losing not GAINING. Clearly my body is not appreciative of all of my hard work and has decided to revolt against me.

I am literally on the verge of tears today and am going to give this fast a few more days before I kick it to the curb and try something different.

Please none of you say how muscle weighs more than fat or I just may scream!


  1. Just a thought... sometimes when people cut back too much on food/calories their bodies start gaining weight because it starts to think "Hey, where'd the food go? Are we in a drought or something? I guess I'd better pack on some extra fat stores in case so we survive whatever this is."

    If you cut out certain unhealthy foods but didn't replace ANY of those calories with healthier calories then that may be exactly what is happening. You may simply have the type of body that needs a very gradual cutting back instead of doing it all at once.

    I'm not a dietitian or anything like that but this is what happens if Honey tries to go on a diet.

  2. Yeah, I always heard that fasts kind of freak out your body. I like WW a lot b/c it really stayed off after I lost the weight, but you have to find something that you're comfortable with. Good luck!
