Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hannie's First Hair Cut!

About a month or so ago I made an appointment for Hannah and I to have our hair cut. She needed her ends leveled and I was ready for something new!

Finally, on September 30th we both got in to have our hair done. Hannah was first up. Rhonda my stylist told us that it is best to put her in a booster so that she will get used to having her hair cut on her own. Tom placed her in the booster and Rhonda put a Harry Potter-esque cape on her and she just sat there as still as a stone. Han enjoyed looking in the mirror at herself. I was near tears because she looked like such a big girl sitting up there all by herself.  Then just like that she was all done!


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Next it was my turn on the chopping block. I had originally pictured about three or four inches to be chopped off. Then I just let Rhonda do what she thought would look best. I think she did a great job considering that I have Hannah to tend to and another one in just two months. She was wanting me to have fairly low maintenance hair and I think it turned out just great! I knew I was in for it when she put my hair in a pony tail and said that I might as well just donate my hair since I am was getting it cut. That is just what I did, I had nine inches total taken off and sent it in to Pantene to be made into a wig. I am still getting used to it but for now I am enjoying it!


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  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Such a big girl! You both look wonderful. Love you both.

  2. [...] let go. My husband had been pretty persistent that Carter needed a haircut so I finally relented. Just like his sister, he did marvelous. No crying, even when the lady brought out the clippers! He’s such a [...]
